The 7 Minute Diet: How To Stop Yourself From Gaining Weight

For both men and women, when you are 30 something your bodies metabolism suddenly slows down and the weight begins creeping up.  It can be so gradual that you don’t realize it at first.  Gone are the days of eating with abandon and still enjoying a young supple body.  What can you do to stop yourself from gaining weight?

“Take Vitmin D3,” says Jon Benson, author of The 7 Minute Diet. He goes on to explain that taking mega doeses of vitamin D3 have been shown in studies done at The University of Minnisota to cause your body to burn 220 extra calories a day.

“That alone, isn’t alot,” says the author of The 7 Minute Diet. “But when you combine that with the 21 other secrets I reveal, it can add up to 5 to 8 pounds a month.”  It turns out that it takes you about 7 minutes each day to do this routien or “flip the 21 switches” as Jon refers to them.  That is why it is called The 7 Minute Diet.

You mean you don’t have to do anything else? I asked.  Jon, gave me a wry smile, “No, nothing unusual other then eat sensibly and flip the 21 switches each morning.”  As I read The 7 Minute Diet It began to make a lot of sense.

My Own Suggeastions Besides The 7 Minute Diet

Think through what you love to eat.  If you just decide to abandon all of the foods you love, you are doomed to failure.  You can enjoy all foods and still not gain weight  if you learn how to manage it.

Each day think of a comfort food you really want to eat and then plan to have it for only one meal.  Eat really healthy food for the rest of your meals.

About 15 to 30 minutes before you tuck into your favorite fattening meal, drink a couple glasses of water and eat a salad or apple.  This will blunt your appetite and help you not overdo it.

Watch your portions

Give yourself permission to go for seonds, but take small portions and eat them slowly.  Then wait for 10 minutes before deciding on getting seconds.  You will be surprised at how often you will just decidse that you don’t need seconds. Drink a glass of water mid way through you meal.  This will help fill you up.

Ecxercise Each Day

Go on a 30 minute, brisk walk everyday or at least 3 times a week.  Enjoy it by looking around, breathing in the air, and just feeling the health course through your body.

If flip the switches outlined in The 7 Minute Diet and you eat only one fattening food for one meal each day.  If you watch your portion size and eat moro slowly and wait 10 minutes before deciding on seconds.  You should stop gaining weight.  If you cut out all refined sugars except for once a week you will even do better.

Remember many folks report losing 5 to 8 pounds a month doing The 7 Minute Diet alone.  So if you add the rest you should be in fine shape.