Acid reflux symptoms in children and infants can be hard to detect. The lack of clear communication is a major stumbling block. Frequently children cannot even tell you where it hurts or give you good clues to what is happening to them. Infants of course can only complain and cry which increases stress levels and urgency. This is especially true for those children suffering from symptoms of acid reflux or gastric esophageal reflux (GER) also known as plain gastric reflux. According to experts the most common acid reflux symptoms in children include frequent or chronic vomiting, persistent cough chest pain, wet burps and regurgitating and reswallowing. Unfortunately some of these symptoms are also common with healthy children and infants.
Additional symptoms of acid reflux in children include bad breath, constant crying (colic), picky eating, sore throat, ear infections, nighttime sleep problems, gagging and choking, drooling, chronic running nose and many more. Any parent will identify with many of these listed symptoms. Every child has one or more of these symptoms before he or she reaches the terrible twos. So what is a father or mother to do since so many of these symptoms are caused by something or many things that have nothing to do with acid reflux symptoms in children? The easiest answer is to consult with your pediatrician or family physician. Children frequently do out grow acid reflux disorders. However, ignoring acid reflux symptoms in children can lead to a more serious condition called GERD or gastro esophageal reflux disease. Basically you cannot afford to take a chance and need to consult with a medical professional that is familiar with acid reflux symptoms in children.
Acid reflux symptoms in children are diagnosed by providing the doctor a list to the child’s observed symptoms. These details and along with a good exam should allow the doctor to make a correct diagnosis. However there are times when additional test may be required especially if gastro esophageal reflux disease is suspected. Many doctors will use a pH probe to determine acid level above the lower esophageal sphincter or LES. This valve or sphincter is supposed to keep stomach acid from flowing up the esophagus. However if the muscle that controls the opening and closing of LES is weak or damaged then acid is allowed to reflux up the esophagus. The pH probe is passed through the nose into the esophagus. This thin tube then left in the lower portion of the esophagus where it measures the pH levels and frequency of gastric reflux over a period of 12 to 24 hours. If high levels of acid reflux are detected then further test may be required. Frequently an endoscope is placed down the esophagus to determine the condition of the LES and damage to the esophagus from acid reflux. If Severe damage is detected a diagnosis of GERD will likely be made requiring further tests and immediate treatment.
Symptoms of acid reflux in children can be treated effectively using changes in care and lifestyle. Simple things that you can use mitigate the symptoms for an infant or small child include keeping the baby upright after feeding even if he or she falls a sleep. Elevating the head of the crib and frequently checking to make sure the baby’s head is higher than it abdomen. Initiating the feeding of solid food will also help. Keep a log of what and when you feed the baby to help you isolate food or drink that may increase the symptoms of acid reflux in your child. Make sure you discuss these options with your doctor prior to applying them.
Symptoms of acid reflux in older children may be addressed and treated by changing what and how they eat. Several smaller meals each day will lessen the pressure on the LES muscle and reduce gastric reflux. Again elevating the head of your childs bed will reduce the pressure on the LES muscle and assure a good nights sleep which in itself reduces stress and increases the well being of the child. Raising the bed a mere 3 inches using a bricks or two 2X4 boards will be sufficient to accomplish the needed incline. Do not let your child lay down for at least 30 minutes after eating. Also do not let your children sit in front of the TV or computer for hours at a time. Exercise is an important factor in digestion and growth which will reduce the symptoms of acid reflux in your children. Most importantly limit high acid foods, carbonated beverages, high sugar drinks and spicy foods from your childrens diet. In addition there is an apparent link between childhood obesity and symptoms of heartburn in Children. Exercise and a healthy diet will go a long way in reducing symptoms of acid reflux in children
If you suspect your child is suffering from the symptoms of acid reflux you should consult your pediatrician or doctor for a proper diagnosis. Many symptoms of acid reflux in children are masked or are similar to those from other conditions. Most children naturally outgrow the acid reflux heartburn problems. However acid reflux symptoms in children if left untreated may lead to a more serious condition. Prescribed medications can be used in cases of severe symptoms or when GERD is diagnosed. Early diagnosis and treatment is the key to reducing and or curing the symptoms of acid reflux in children.