Sealed–overcoming Gluttony and Eating Healthy as Sealed

When you are sealed God gives you the ability to overcome gluttony. You first overcome the mark of the beast and then the sins of the flesh. And gluttony is a common sin today. God gives you the power over it.

Gluttony is not a word often heard today. It is not a problem talked about in the Bible much. Many years ago gluttony was rare. It was the sin of an elite few wealthy people. Today it is much more common.

Thousand of years ago the diets of most people did not contain many calories or much fat. The fat content of modern Western food has risen to an extremely high level. And these fats are not the healthy fats for your body.

Calories have also skyrocketed. Few people in the West actually do not get enough calories or fat in their diet. But many people in the West in the face of all this abundance are suffering malnutrition.

And calories are to blame for most obesity. Calories are energy. They are the energy units your body makes heat with. They are a measurement aligned with the metric system.

One calorie is enough to heat one liter of water one degree centigrade. So 100 calories is enough to heat a liter of water to boiling. When you consider how hot a stovetop gets and for how long to heat that much water, you can see.

It is a lot of energy. The caloric needs of poeple vary. But most people need fewer calories than they get. And most people need fewer calories than they think they are getting. Most people do not know how many calories they are eating.

Gluttony came to be considered a sin in the history of the Christian church. Though it is not biblical it is a problem that happened when diets became more rich. Early on it was considered a blessing of God to have that rich food. Later it became a curse.

Gluttony is a sin and it is a widespread sin today. Everyone has to battle with it. Especially those people who do not have enough time to prepare healthy meals for themselves or the convenience of restaurant choices.

But there is always a way to fight this battle. When you are busy fruit and nuts can be packed. These do not spoil quickly and do not need special care like refrigeration. Fruit and nuts are very good for you. Fast food is very bad for you.

Fast food is not healthy when eaten more than once a month. Fruit and nuts are an example of food healthy for you every day of the year. And they are less likely to give you too many calories a day.

Nuts have healthy fats in them. Fruits are a pleasure to eat. Dried fruits are especially good for busy people. They are sweet like candy but are high in nutrients like antioxidants. And they are convenient to eat–no peels or cores or pits.

These are some suggestions of foods that can be eaten by a busy person without an avalanche of calories and unhealthy fats. They can replace fast food and can be eaten in great variety so they do not become boring.

There is also more nutrition in variety since different kinds of fruits and nuts have different nutrients each is high in. There are many varieties of fruits and nuts to choose from that are commonly available in the West.

When you are sealed you begin to notice your diet. You begin to change how you eat and what you eat. You have the new ability to cut calories and eat healthier foods. And you enjoy it. You will lose weight and feel and look healthier. And you will be healthier.

You will look at food in a different way. Food will lengthen your life instead of threatening it. The sealed person will give you food that will bring you everlasting life. This is the food you want. And as for your diet here on earth, you will eat more healthy foods and avoid gluttony when you are sealed.