Preparing For The Hcg Treatment

The HCG treatment is a weight loss method that some are calling the “cure”.  After years of scientific medical research, over weight adults are being offered the opportunity to shed years of unwanted pounds.  While the treatment itself is effective, what one does before the treatments begin greatly influences the experience.

Preparing your taste buds for weight loss
The truth is, if you’re a chocolate lover you’ll still love chocolate just as much during your oral HCG treatments.  Many people believe that in order to curb that craving, the best thing to do is over indulge in it before the program begins.

  • Not only is this a dangerous concept, it’s also counterproductive. In order to lose weight, one needs to re-train their taste buds.
  • When your body starts to crave that double cheeseburger, even though you may not start your weight loss program until next week, reach for a protein shake instead.
  • When it seems as if you’ll die from a lack of sugar, reach for some grapes or berries.

The goal is to start preparing yourself for healthy alternatives so that dieting becomes a more wholesome and enjoyable experience.

Healthy sleep for a healthy body
Sleep is one of those areas in adulthood that many of us fail in.  After working at the office and then rushing home to take care of household obligations, often the last thing we think about intentionally is that nagging desire to sleep.

Oral HCG is known for:

  • Releasing stored fat
  • Appetite control and
  • Resetting the metabolism

Getting into a healthy sleep pattern will help ensure the productivity of the above.  When our bodies become accustomed to regular sleep patterns, we wake up with all of our internal functions rejuvenated.

That means the foods we eat taste good and allow for comfortable satisfaction versus the “I can’t get full”, feeling.  Our energy levels are able to help our readjusted metabolism.  Most importantly, we have the mental alertness to help us keep the focus of sticking to the HCG program.

Be your own fitness trainer
Various weight loss groups meet regularly, some do so in person, and some are over the Internet.  Talking with others who are using HCG treatments is a positive habit to start, even before taking your first Oral HCG drop.

However, there’s nothing like training yourself to be responsible for cheering yourself on.  Before day 1 of the program, get in the habit of setting daily goals.  For example, you might challenge yourself to eat 3 fruits and 3 vegetables one day.

Studies show that people who regularly accomplish daily goals are more likely to succeed at long term expectations.  Making success a habit is a great way of making sure you finish with satisfying results.