Nutrition Leaflets From the Food Standards Agency

One of the common complaints from people that are trying to lead a more healthy lifestyle, is that they don’t know were to find the right information. This is really no surprise as society is flooded with health and nutrition advice ranging from the scientific to the downright dangerous.

It is not just limited to either online or offline, the health industry is an enormous market and it can be very difficult to find out what is actually what. Add to this that recommendations seem to change over time, what was generally accepted as truth ten years ago may not be so anymore. Therefore if you read an older copy of a book or magazine, you may involuntarily be reading and following bad or poor advice which could be harmful to you.

So, who can you trust in this labyrinth of confusing and contradictory information? First of all, while some may be okay, most so called ‘guru’s’ that have a product to sell can not be considered impartial. Among all of their products there may be one genuine piece of great information or supplement, but in the meantime you will spend hours Googling and looking up one review that will praise the product, only to find another a moment later that says exactly the opposite. In addition to this you may have to spend a lot of money on “secrets’ and special herbs, that may or may not help you, but will in all instances hurt your finances.

For health advice there is however a convenient ‘one stop’ for all your nutritional questions. The Food Standard Agency has a wide range of publications available to the reader from an non partial view and with no financial interest. The pamphlets can be found and read on their website or downloaded as required. The Agency has recommendations and good advice on just about everything concerning nutrition and health. It is a great and fast resource to use and more importantly information which can be trusted.

The Food Standard Agency is a government body created to look after your health and the health of the nation. By providing advice, guidance and information to the public on ‘food safety from farm to fork, nutrition and diet.’

The FSA also offers protection to food consumers by carrying out effective monitoring and food enforcement regulations to provide further protection to the public. As a government department, independent regulator and consumer protection body they use work in a number of different ways to help keep consumers safe and providing reliable and current information enabling consumers make informed choices about the food the buy and eat.

The FSA leaflets design and printing is presented in an easy format which has been specifically designed to appeal to the public by using user friendly layouts, jargon free language and images. FSA leaflets are distributed to health services such as doctors and health advisors as well as being openly available as downloads, in many different languages, to the general public via their website.