Is Oral Hcg Effective For Morbidly Obese Adults?

Maybe you’re taking the challenge of getting your life back on a healthy track and decided to read more about Oral HCG.  Everything you read sounds hopeful and your almost ready to begin the program when a thought occurs, “What if Oral HCG only works for overweight adults and not those who may be considered morbidly obese?”

How HCG treatments effect BMI
Body mass index is something that many health professionals choose to reference rather than weight when addressing the unhealthy size of an overweight adult.

Many fitness experts find it easier to tell someone that they have a dangerous BMI rather than telling them that they are 100 pounds or more overweight.

According to medical scientists, the general guide line is as follows.

  • Any adult with a BMI of 30 or more is considered overweight.
  • Any adult with a BMI of 35 to 49 is considered morbidly obese.
  • Any adult with a BMI of 49 and higher is considered super obese.

Regardless of which obese category you may fall into, the important thing to know is that any classification of being overweight is dangerous. Research shows that all overweight adults are susceptible to early deaths, strokes, heart attacks and more.

While Oral HCG may not be able to have the effect that some weight loss surgeries are able to produce immediately, it is a healthy program like select others that allow for a significant amount of body fat weight to be lost.

You’re the magic ingredient in successful weight loss
Not everyone who speaks with their doctor about healthy weight loss alternatives can afford the options presented. Losing weight can turn out to be a pricey investment as many overweight Americans have already found out. The reason why the diet industry has been able to thrive for so long is because many companies feed the concept that with just one this or that, you can be the new slimmer you.

When the truth is, that magic ingredient is ultimately you.

How much effort you’re willing to put into a healthy weight loss program is what will be the biggest difference in results not only achieved, but maintained.

Oral HCG for example, offers a maximum 40 consecutive days to be applied to the program.  During those 40 days, it is your determined participation in the recommended very low calorie diet that will help the formula achieve the results that you hoped for.

While you can always restart the program after a considerable intermission, the drive to follow the program’s guidelines still has to be maintained.

Regardless of your BMI understand that HCG treatments can work for you, but like any other recommended weight loss method it requires your support.  Giving up on yourself before you begin can be one of the biggest mistakes you can make.  When it comes to getting and staying healthy, all Americans are equal.