Belly fat increases the risk of inflammation and hardening of blood vessels. Considering this, people having accumulated fats in the midsection for a prolonged duration are at a higher risk of developing diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and heart problems. Hence, it is very essential to lose stomach fats. When you set out to find ways on how to lose weight, forget about those gimmicky pills and manuals. Most of the time, crash diets and electronic gadgets are ineffective and will only rip you off of your money. The surest way to losing weight is by constant exercise combined with a healthy diet.
1. No doubt, serving a large meal at a time is the key factor for gaining excess fat. The logic behind this is that the body does not get time to covert the fats into energy. In order to avoid such a condition, you can consume less servings frequently. Doing so will help the body to burn calories, resulting in storage of less fats.
2. Increase the intake of foods rich in monounsaturated fat such as olive oil, olives, avocados, and nuts in a diet while keeping total calories in check. A 2007 study published in the Diabetes Care journal concluded that a diet rich in monounsaturated fats prevented abdominal fat and insulin resistance better than a regular diet that was rich in carbohydrates.
3. The calories itself are not the problem, we all need calories for our daily activities. Instead it’s important to cut down on the unnecessary calories. Here you should try to avoid soft drinks and gourmet coffee. Alcoholic drinks is also something that you should try to avoid in order to avoid these kinds of bad calories.
4. Your workout routines should be a combination of cardio and strength training exercises. Cardio is much more important because it is what burns fat more rapidly. You should spend not less than twenty minutes a day for cardio exercises such as basketball, swimming, and jogging. These will make you lose weight all over and has a direct impact on your belly fat.
5. Eat a serving of blueberries everyday. Blueberries have been linked with a huge list of health benefits, and the latest one to make the list is getting rid of belly fat. A recent study found that rats fed with a diet that included blueberries lost abdominal fat, even when the rest of their diet was not so healthy. The results suggest that blueberries may have a role in improving the body’s ability to process sugar for energy.
6. Never skip breakfast! By skipping breakfast you will just tend to eat more later in the day, and possibly overeat. This is also why it’s important to eat breakfast when your body’s metabolism still is high.
7. In this article I will show you how to lose belly fat quickly starting today. The most important and easiest thing you can do is start to drink plenty of water. Also you can eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables cooked with steam. Eat grilled meat and especially fish.
Avoid fizzy drinks, alcohol or mineral water. These will fill your stomach because they contain gas. Also chew food slowly and eat more fiber.