How to Fix Fatty Liver Naturally at Home

How to fix fatty liver naturally at home

Are you looking for cure that reverses symptoms of fatty liver like jaundice, dull abdominal pain, bloating and fatigue?

Don’t’ worry even if you are suffering from fatty liver disease, as you can fix it naturally at home by using foods, nutrients and herbal medicines got from Nature that too, in a few days.

Constipation, cramping, weight gain, flatulence, blood sugar imbalances, general feeling of ill-health, nausea, fever, vomiting, high blood pressure and high cholesterol may be the other symptoms of fatty liver filtration.

The causes of fatty liver disease are starvation, obesity, alcohol, diabetes mellitus, corticosteroids, poisons, Cushing’s syndrome and hyperlipidemia. High dose of tetracycline during pregnancy and Valporic acid toxicity may cause Microversicular fatty liver. Blood tests and liver biopsy are used in diagnosis.

You can easily fix fatty liver naturally at home by switching to healthy life style, taking balanced diet and using natural remedies found on your kitchen shelf. Do tour workouts regularly to shed excess weight and aid blood circulation.

Avoid alcohol, tobacco and oily, spicy and fatty foods. Eat saturated fats, salads, boiled or baked vegetables, meat, foods high in fiber and low in calories. Drink loads of water and fresh fruit juices to detoxify the liver. Grapefruits, rich in vitamin-C, are useful in burning fats and restricting the development of fatty liver.

Licorice, artichoke, milk thistle and dandelion can clean and rebuild the liver and can be used to fix fatty liver naturally at home .