Healthy Snacking is Important!

Just as a well balanced meal is crucial to healthy lifestyle, so is healthy snacking. Sometimes we may put 100% effort into creating that perfect, low calorie dinner, but shortly after dinner we will grab a bag of potato chips to cure the hunger. Now remember, doughnuts, cookies, cakes, chips and candy bars are not healthy treats. They can make us feel full longer but with a price. If you want a larger waist and health problems, then those types of snacks may be for you. But if you want to feel healthy and maintain a slim waistline, you should watch what you snack on.

There are many snacks available out there today which are healthy and filling. Air popped pop corn, apple sauce, sunflower seeds, almonds, low fat string cheese, yogurt, apple slices, veggies, whole wheat products, and nuts (to name a few). All of these snacks are healthy and filling; furthermore, they encourage productivity, focus, and liveliness. When you consume a candy bar, you will feel uplifted and full for a short period of time, but if you munch on nuts or almonds you will have a lot more energy without the crash.

These healthy snacks are especially beneficial at work. They will help you feel more focused and they will give you long lasting energy. I know that it may be difficult to eat healthy in a work environment because many offices tend to be equipped with vending machines, doughnuts and pastries. But unless you try to avoid these foods, you will never be satisfied with your diet. So go to the grocery store, maybe even the greenery, and purchase a wide range of healthy snacks. Try them all and see which one you like the best. When you find something that you actually enjoy eating, you will be less tempted to be jealous of your co-worker snacking on a doughnut.