Healthy lifestyle tips for overweight children

Parents play an important role in introducing healthy lifestyle changes in overweight children. Adopting healthy diet and regular physical activity is essential for preventing weight related problems in children. As children grow up, age –related chubbiness continues from a child’s toddler years. Reasons for obesity in children could be plenty such as genetic factors, bad eating habits, sedentary lifestyle or any kind of ailment.

Children nowadays prefer spending time in front of TV rather going outside. That’s why their physical activity outdoors has greatly minimized. As a result, one may find preteens and teens have become more padded today. Obese children are often teased in school and they face difficulty in participating in sport and other activities.

Make healthy food choices

For proper child weight management, it is important to ensure that growing body is supported with right amount of nutrition. Excess of junk food and fattening food must be avoided. Healthy diet not only includes type of food but also amount of food consumed by the child. All children must eat right amount of food at regular intervals. Parents must encourage intake of wide variety of nutritio+us food and no particular food should be overly restricted or forced. 

Ways to encourage healthy dietary changes in obese children

  • Add lot amount fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet instead of snack foods.
  • Include cereals, grains and breads and moderate amount of meat and dairy products. 
  • Added fats like oil, margarine, butter must be avoided.
  • Don’t say complete no to treats like cakes, chips and chocolates etc, rather include them in small amounts once or twice in week.
  • Whenever they go thirsty offer water instead of sweet drinks like tang, lemonade, soft drinks etc.
  • Portray as a role model to your kids. Even you need to involve healthy foods in your diet.
  • Encourage child for slow eating. Ask him to put spoon down between mouthfuls.

Increase everyday physical activity

  • If your child is obese, then encourage him to involve lot of free playtime outside like running with friends, cycling, going to shopping etc.
  • Engage your child in household chores. Ask his help in cleaning, cooking or fetching something from the market.
  • Look for an activity your child enjoys. You can make him join his favorite hobby class like dance or sports etc.
  • Have lot of fun family time. All children and adults must go on trips or family outing that involves lot of physical activity. It only helps keeping everyone fit but also builds family bond.

An active lifestyle is important for everyone regardless of age and weight. Motivate your to be active and healthy by giving up lazy habits and fat food consumption.