There are a few general things that Goldendoodle owners need to be aware of and of course this is general information that any dog owner should be aware of. When it comes to toxins and dangers, we must be careful of what our Goldendoodles and other pets ingest.
There are various plants and foods that you should be aware of that Goldendoodles and other canine should never ingest.
One of them is alcoholic beverages. Because ethenol is one of the main ingredients for alcholic beverages, your pet could become dangerously intoxicated and die. Humans can consume these beverages in larger doses because they are, of course, larger in body weight. That is of course, unless the person is smaller than a very large Mastiff or dog weighing over 150 pounds!
Goldendoodles have a keen sense of smell and out of curiousity, may get into your trash can. If you have consumed alcoholic beverages and placed cans or bottles with contents still inside or placed bottles of liquor with contents remaining inside, it is possible for your Goldendoodle to become poisoned by drinking the remaining contents.
How can you tell if your Goldendoodle has become intoxicated or poisoned by alcohol ?
Generally, any canine that has consumed an alcoholic beverage will have an odor emitting from its breath and may smell as though he or she has consumed alcohol. It depends on what type of alcohol he or she has consumed and how much. Alcohol toxicity will cause your Goldendoodle to stagger and act strange very similar to someone being drunk or in a stupor. The only difference of course is that your Goldendoodle can not tell you that he or she is intoxicated and you have to rely on signs of toxicity and perhaps the tell tale signs such as your trash can being turned over; contents from the trash can perhaps being on the floor and maybe strewn about; odor coming from your doodle’s breath.
Your Goldendoodle can also go into sudden cardiac arrest; have increased urination and have difficulty breathing if he or she has consumed too much alcohol. In this case, you will need to rush your canine immediately to your veterinarian for emergency assistance. Death can occur under these circumstances.
Did you know that simple baking soda and certain fruits can kill your Goldendoodle ? Yes! They sure can! Grapes, avocadoes, apples, cherries, peaches and plums AND baking soda can all kill your Goldendoodle if given in large doses and too often.
Now I will tell you that my Goldendoodles absolutely LOVE green and red apple slices. But I ONLY give them a couple of slices and not that often. NEVER allow your Goldendoodle to eat an apple stem, seed or whole apple. Always cut an apple and give your doodle just a small slice or two. They enjoy them and it’s a great treat. But remember that too much of a good thing is always bad! The above fruits can be toxic. They all contain a type of cyanide compound that when given too often and in too large of amounts, can cause your Goldendoodle to die.
Your Goldendoodle’s pupils can become dilated; he or she can begin to hyperventilate; They may have difficulty breathing and they could even go into shock and die. When it comes to baking soda, make sure to never give your Goldendoodle or other pet this ingredient. Baking soda has a leavening agent that causes baking goods to rise and it produces a gas. Baking soda is basically sodium bicarbonate. While many people use it to help reduce indigestion or to clean their teeth, baking powder can cause electrolyte abnormalities (low potassium, low calcium and/or high sodium), congestive heart failure or muscle spasms with your Goldendoodle and other pets.
Another food that you more than likely love but your Goldendoodle should NEVER consume, is chocolate! Never, ever feed your Goldendoodle anything with chocolate! Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine. While you may love eating this terrific food, chocolate is actually a nervous system stimulant that can cause your Goldendoodle to have issues with his or her heart or central nervous system when consumed in large amounts. Cacao beans have the highest concentration, so you will definitely want to keep your Goldendoodle away from this and baking chocolate.
There are many issues that can come up with your Goldendoodle caused by foods, fruits and every day things that may have been overlooked. As a Goldendoodle owner, you will need to know when to take your doodle to your veterinarian and when you might be able to handle simple issues on your own.
If your Goldendoodle has consumed the above items and he or she suddenly begins vomiting, this is common. Make sure to give your doodle water to keep him or her hydrated. However, do not be surprised if they reject the water. They may feel too ill and not want to drink it. Waiting to take your Goldendoodle to your vet, can cause your doodle to die. Your lapse in judgement, even if an accident, can be deadly for your doodle.
If your Goldendoodle is a puppy and you suspect he or she has consumed too much of the above items, take your puppy immediately to your vet. Do NOT make the mistake of getting on the internet to ask your friends inside of some forum; on facebook; twitter or wherever. Trust me, I’ve seen it before. Scoop up your puppy and head to the vet. Precious hours are limited. The moment your doodle has ingested too much of a good thing or even ingested the WRONG thing, the clock is ticking. Tick tock! Tick Tock!
Bloat can occur and many times there are no symptoms until the owner finds their Goldendoodle has passed away suddenly and mysteriously. If the doodle owner is fortunate enough to catch this issue immediately, it is possible to sometimes save this beautiful hybrid from dying from this issue. Your doodle will begin to panic as air builds up within the stomach and the belly begins to swell. He or she may begin pacing, panting and having a wild-eyed look in his or her eyes. Waiting to take your doodle to the vet will cause your doodle to die. This is a serious issue that comes on suddenly and many times, without warning.
Knowing what to do; when to do it and what foods or issues can cause problems for your Goldendoodle can help your Goldendoodle live a very long, healthy life.
This article is copyright protected. All rights are reserved by its author, Dee Gerrish of Goldendoodle World, March 9, 2011.