It is a fact; the popularity of fish oil supplements is increasing by the day. It is widely accepted that fish oil is the richest source of the omega 3 essential fatty acids, the key nutrients that provide the solid foundation for good health.
What people often search for when they are thinking of buying fish oil supplements for themselves or their loved ones is the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance). How much should I take each day?
The truth is that there is no set RDA for this type of supplements.
Of course, opinions of experts vary as to what an ideal dosage should be, but these are not official, government standards.
As a rule of thumb, the vast majority of the population can take between 2 to 4 capsules a day (1000 mg each) with no problem. However, if you are diagnosed with a medical condition like high blood pressure or coronary disease, then you should definitely talk with your doctor before taking any supplements.
What is very important to know is that you should always select fish oil supplements that come from fish that swim in cold, deep and clean ocean waters. In this way you will be assured that the capsules you ingest are rich in omega 3 essential fatty acids and that they are free from the pollutants that are abundant in most of the seas.
Examples of such parts of the world are the waters off the coast of Alaska, Norway and New Zealand. Types of fish which are loaded with omega 3 are salmon and hoki, a fish that is not so widely known, as its natural habitat is off the coast of New Zealand. Mind you, this part of the world is considered one of the cleanest in the world.
However, even if the waters that fish swim in are clean from industrial pollution, there is still pollution that nature itself produces through natural phenomena. A Volcanic eruption is one apparent example.
Therefore, to be 100% sure that your fish oil supplements are pure, you should ensure that they are molecularly distilled.
Molecular distillation is an advanced, state of the art technology, which guarantees that all harmful contaminants are removed at the time of the extraction of the fish oil.
To sum up, always make sure that you look out for these two things when you purchase fish oil supplements: That the fish they are made from is a rich source of omega 3 acids and that they are molecularly distilled.