Fatty Liver Treatment Tips

First, it is important to understand that losing weight is the most critical factor in reversing fatty liver. This does not mean you have to starve yourself or go on a crash diet.

Medical studies report that people who lose just 5 percent of their body weight have lower rates of fat accumulation in the liver. Those who lose only 9 percent have shown a complete reversal of their liver disease.

That means, for example, a person who weighs 180 pounds has to lose only 9 lbs. to lower the fat accumulation. A person who loses just 16 lbs. can completely reverse fatty liver!

Second, lowering your blood sugar is essential. People with fatty liver commonly have high blood sugar or diabetes. A diet high in sugar and refined carbohydrates (which convert to sugar in your body) and all the fast food and fatty foods, most people eat, only adds to the problem by increasing your blood sugar.

Finally, cleansing toxins is the key to healing your liver. Most people do not drink enough water or get enough exercise to keep their liver healthy. Lack of water and exercise in linked to poor circulation and a build-up of fat, sugar and toxins in your liver.

Tips to Treat Fatty Liver

  • Eat more healthy foods. Add fresh vegetables, yogurt, berries, and fiber rich foods to your diet. Choose healthier foods from the fast food menu. Start eating a large green salad or extra serving of dark green vegetables with your dinner. Spinach, broccoli and red leaf lettuce are excellent choices.
  • Cut down on sugar and refined carbohydrates. Add less or no sugar to your coffee and cereal. Replace white bread and pasta with whole grain breads, cereals and crackers. Use brown rice instead of white. Make more of your meals based on fresh soups, salads and natural whole grain foods.
  • Stay away from meats that are harsh on your liver. This includes beef, bacon, ham and pork. Instead, eat lean proteins such as chicken, turkey and fish.
  • If you drink alcohol, limit your intake to one or two beers or glasses of wine a week. Better yet, stop drinking altogether.
  • Drink plenty of water to hydrate and cleanse your liver cells. Cut down or eliminate soft drinks. Drink unsweetened juices. Replace coffee, tea and soda with water and a splash of lemon.
  • Flush excess fat, sugar and toxins from your system. Do a weekly liver cleanse. Drink a cup of warm lemon tea every morning. This makes an excellent daily liver cleanse.
  • Walk for 20 minutes three to five times a week to improve your circulation. Improved circulation will help flush fatty buildup from your liver. As an added benefit, you will begin to lose weight.

You can heal your liver by eating healthy foods, drinking plenty of water and getting more exercise. These simple diet and lifestyle changes will help you reverse fatty liver.