Copyright (c) 2008 Phil Hixon
In following a healthy eating guide it is important to follow certain guidelines no matter what diet plan you may be following. In this guide we will set a few pointers to follow when constructing a plan.
Healthy Eating Guide Guidelines
1. Instead of eating 3 bigger meals break it up and eat 5-6 smaller meals and snacks throughout the day. Eating more meals makes your metabolism work more efficiently
2. Eat slower. Many people eat so fast they are full before they know it. Slow down to allow your body to tell you when it’s full. This causes overeating.
3. Before going into a full blown calorie, fat and carb counting rampage start slow and transition to eating healthier foods in general. Select whole grains, lots of vegetables, fruits, and cut out as much sugar and preservatives.
4. Find a diet plan that is congruent with who you are as a person. Many different diets work for many different people and vice versa. While one diet may work for “Suzy” what will work for you may be totally different. The most important part about eating healthy or being on a diet is to NOT be on a diet. And what we mean by this is when you are following a certain plan it must not feel like it. It must start to just become who you naturally are. If it is gut wrenching to follow a certain plan it’s not worth it because no matter how disciplined you are you won’t stick to it long term. So read reviews and learn about different diets and choose the one closest to who you are that gives you results.
Along with your healthy eating guide you should have a journal to track your progress. Make notes of how you feel on your plan and just make casual notes about activities you are doing or ways in which you are eating.
Healthy Eating Guide Sample meal Plan
Breakfast: 1 cup 2% skim milk, 2 oz turkey bacon
Snack: Medium apple, Peanut butter
Lunch: 3oz tuna salad, 3 slices whole wheat bread, 1 cup lettuce
Snack: 1 oz sliced turkey breast, 1 tsp mustard, Flour tortilla
Dinner: Salmon, ½ cup steamed broccoli
Remember this healthy eating guide is just a sample for the average person. Depending on your needs and goals there may be modifications.