Easy Vegetarian Meal Plans for Weight Loss

veggie meal plans

Being vegetarian or vegan is a great life choice. You aren’t contributing to the horrific treatment of animals or the environment and generally speaking you are being kinder to your body. However when it comes to weight loss it can feel like a real struggle. After all you can hardly go on a one of the famed high protein, low-carb diets. They may be somewhat effective for temporary weight loss, but they are not healthy and the food is not often veggie friendly.

The good news is that with a little guidance it is not hard to transform your junk food veggie/vegan lifestyle into a healthy food plan that will fill you with energy whilst helping you lose weight and make those meat eaters jealous.

To stick to any kind of weight loss/healthy eating plan it is important to stick to a few guidelines:

1. Keep it simple – Don’t try to follow ridiculously complicated recipes. Look for a plan that is full of simple recipes, which are easy and fun to make.

2. Healthy, veggie food should be yummy – Don’t suffer to lose weight. Look for a plan that shows you how to make your veggie meals delicious as well as healthy and allows for a few snacks. You won’t get very far feeling deprived.

3. Keep it cheap – There is no point breaking the bank when tasty, healthy meals can be made for cheap. If it is too expensive you won’t be able to maintain it (unless you are rich of course).

4.Clear and Easy to Follow – Any veggie meal plan you choose should be laid out so that you know exactly what to eat, when for maximum energy and weight loss.

5. No fads! – You have already chosen to go veggie, which is great and totally the right thing to do for the animals. Don’t ruin things by going for faddy diets. Instead look for something that will fit in with your life.

One of the best ways to encourage others to go veggie is to set a great example by looking and feeling great. Invest in a great veggie cook book and make yourself simple and delicious and filling meals. You enjoy food more and lose weight as you feel the need to snack less.

If you need a little more help you could try a program I follow called Easy Veggie Meal Plans. I find it very easy to follow and have had good results. Click here to check it out.