Dieting Experience

The phenomenon known as ‘yo-yo’ dieting is very dangerous for health. Only imagine what is going on in your stomach when you start eating chocolate, sweets, pizza and etc. (sometimes people eat all these products at once) after a diet. If I were your stomach I would have probably organized a rebellion. Not far ago I’ve read in the newspaper that the scientists have proved that food causes the same dependence as drugs, alcohol and etc. Only imagine, that food = drugs. It’s awful, isn’t it? Certainly, if you’re eating all day long, you wouldn’t be sent to prison and you wouldn’t pay fine. But from the other side, you won’t be able to communicate normally with your friends, to work, to study, because you’ll be always thinking about food, believe me.

When you are on a diet, you become irritating, angry and nervous. All the people that surround you don’t want even to approach to you, because they are afraid you’ll shout at them (it’s from my own experience). So, it is up to you to decide whether to be on a diet or not. But if you still want to become slim and to stay healthy, you should read the next paragraph in a proper way.

My doctor has advised me to read a book about healthy way of life. There I have read a lot of interesting facts. The author supposes that the best way to become and what is more important to stay slim is to eat 3-4 times a day and to go in for sport 3 times a week. She says that it is wrong to strike any product off a list. You can eat your favorite food, but in small portions. But she recommends to exclude food with the high percent of fat such as mayonnaise, fast food, fried food etc.

The author advises to drink warm water immediately after waking up and to write everything you have eaten in the small diary. As for sport, it’s really very important to do exercises, otherwise your metabolism won’t increase. Doing exercises is very useful not only for the body, but for the hole organism and especially your heart. You should understand that only the sum of the healthy food and exercises will give you a strong result. Remember, pills, crèmes and other things won’t help you. If you want to be slim you must be healthy, and if you do not want to visit hospital 5 times a week, you must eat healthy food and go in for sport. It is not difficult, I suppose.