Cursing is Healthy For You

Cursing is Healthy For You

Speed reading is your tool for personal success.

Let’s be scientific – 67 participants placed both hands in below freezing ice water

to test how long before they had to escape the pain. Half were told they could use

profanity to shore up their intention to continue the freezing water test.

This research has been replicated by other scientists.

The other half were instructed to just bear it as long as possible. They were told NOT to curse. Your left-Hemisphere controls the use of standard language, but not cursing.

Guess from your own experience which group had more staying (will) -power?

The real question is Why is cursing a pain reliever?

Two answers

This research was completed at Keele University in England, led by Professor

Richard Stephens, and published in the journal – Neuron August 5, 2009.

  1. Profanity actives your Right Hemisphere, triggering your Amygdala, the key to emotions (Limbic System). This brain structure causes your heart to speed up, eyes to dilate, and other physical survival tactics.

2. When your heartbeat accelerates, you activate your Sympathetic Nervous System, causing epinephrine (adrenaline) to flow into your bloodstream.

The next step is activation of your Fight-or-Flight Syndrome.

Your entire body and mind are sent to war for your survival. You get more oxygen, more glucose (blood sugar energy), and are prepared to act like a warrior.


Have you ever watch a Tennis match and heard one or both players grunting as they struck the ball? How about a Karate match, when one fighter throws his/her

arm or leg – you hear a scream. Research indicates the auxiliary scream adds

up to 15% to the power of the movement.

Emotional And Physical

When your heart is racing faster than normal, you are less sensitive to both

emotional (fear, anxiety, and stress), and physical pain (freezing included).

Please Take Notice: cursing alone does not active adrenaline. You must active

your Emotions like fear, anger, rage, and pain. The equation is feel the emotion

(freezing your hands off) and curse like crazy at the pain.

How about this? Too much cursing reduces the capacity to reduce pain. We suggest you stick to a one-word, and use it for less than ten-seconds. How long does a grunt

last in tennis or the scream in karate?

Placebo (Latin – I shall be pleasing to you)

We Homo sapiens have our own arsenal of pain-killers called Endorphins.

The name comes from two-words: endogenous (within) and morphine – get it?

Endorphins are in the biochemical family called Opioids – from opium.

Now get this – Endorphins (natural pain killers) bind to our nervous system by sticking to our Mu Opioid Receptors. They are located in our Central Nervous

System and Enteric (intestines) Nervous System.

Important: Endorphins in Mu Opioid Receptors STOP transmissions of pain

signals from one neuron to another.

Here it comes: Placebos (sugar pills, injections of saline solution – water) have

medicinal value because they release Endorphins through our brain chemistry.

When we visit a Medicine Man (Doctor, Therapist, Nurse or Druggist) we have

an Expectation of Recovery that causes mental and physical activity for healing.

Mind Over Matter

For centuries physicians believed that Placebos was Mind-Over-Matter, merely

the power of suggestion. They laughed it off because there was nothing physical to point to. Now we know Placebos are physical (Opiods) as well as psychological.

Who cares that Placebos are the work of our own mind, the body releases its own painkillers Endorphins. Unlike prescription drugs, they do not produce negative side effects. It is part of our unique healing system, and you cannot get addicted.

U.S. Doctors And Placebos

Placebos have a bad reputation because they require deceiving the patient. Physicians and neuroscientists are well aware Placebos often work as well as

or better than FDA approved drugs. What to do?

U.S. physicians in a study by the National Institute of Health and Harvard published in the British Medical Journal, 10. 25, 2008, answered that 57%

prescribed Placebo. Note: 62% believe Placebos were ethical.

What’s up? Is it lying to patients or not? U.S. physicians did not give Sugar Pills,

or Saline (water) Sol