Benefits of dried fruits

Benefits of dried fruits

People use to eat dried fruits from ancient times. Specific to Oriental civilizations in ancient times, dried fruits arrived to West due to Egyptians and Phoenicians. Today, not only oriental fruits like dates and figs are being dried, but also ordinary ones like peaches, apricots, plums or pears.

The drying process consists in decreasing the moisture of fruits by at least 20%. Dried fruits are recommended due to their high nutritional content and positive benefits on our health. Dried fruits allows us to enjoy the benefits of a healthy nutrition even during extra fruits-seasons because it seems that dried fruits keep about the same kind and amount of nutrients as if they were fresh. Two of the few nutrients that do not resist the drying process have proved to be vitamin C and beta-carotene. Dried fruits represent a healthy snack, a viable alternative to crackers or chips, and because they are small and resistant to high temperatures they can be easily carried, often being preferred by athletes or by mountain hikers as a source of energy.

The main benefits of dried fruits are their rich carbohydrates and fibers content. However, there are some aspects we have to pay attention to when including dried fruits in our nutrition. The drying process brings out the sugar (that’s why they are sweeter than fresh fruits) and due to their size decreasing, dried fruits will usually have a higher calories level than the same amount of fresh fruits.

But let’s see what are the benefits of some of the most consumed dried fruits:

  • Figs and dates are known for their rich content of potassium, that our body needs to maintain muscles contractions and the balance of the nervous system. They also contain calcium, sulphur, iron, manganese, copper and magnesium.
  • Nuts are energy boosters due to their rich content of oil and lipids.
  • Dried apricots are consumed for their rich content of potassium and sodium.
  • Peaches, as well as apricots, provide to our body folic acid and iron needed for the development of red globules in the blood.
  • Sources of iron and potassium, dried pears provide also vitamin C and fibers.

Besides these extremely positive effects on our health, dried fruits also have a delicious taste and an aesthetic value. They can be consumed as a snack, as a desert by themselves or used in decorating cakes or even festive lunches or dinners, because of  the variety of their colors.