Rheumatoid Arthritis is a Joint Disorder, which affects Multiple Joints at various sites. It is described as “Amavata” in Ayurveda. The word ‘Ama’ means Toxic material generated as a un wholesome product in the body due to weakening of digestive fire. This ‘Ama’ is then carried by ‘Vayu’ and travels throughout the body and accumulates in the joints, which is the seat of ‘Kapha’. As this process continuous, all the Joints are gradually affected, which results in Severe Pain and Swelling in the Joints. When ‘Pitta’ also gets aggravated, it causes Burning Sensation around the Joints.
General Clinical Features:
“Angamardaaruchistrushna alasyam gouravam jwara!
Apaka sunyatanganam amavathasya lakshnam!!”
· Body Pains
· Lack of Taste
· Thirst
· General Weakness
· Feeling of Heaviness
· Fever
· Morning stiffness of the Joints
· Pain and swelling in the affected parts
· Shifting of pain in Joints
· Constipation
· Indigestion
Ayurvedic Management of Amavata:
a. Ahara Chikitsa or Dietary regimen:
One should take Old Rice, Butter Milk, Wet Ginger, Garlic, Wheat, Bitter gourd and Horse Gram in his diet. Avoid consumption of Dairy products, Sweets, Oily foods, Chinese Food, Junk and Fast Foods, Salty and Sour Foods, Jaggery, Black Gram, Fish, Cold Drinks and Ice Creams.
b. Vihara Chikitsa or Life Style Modifications:
One should avoid Cold Breeze and Excessive Wind. Bathing with cold water should be strictly avoided. Warm water bath is recommended. It is also advisable to take a gentle walk after consumption of food. Also it is good to avoid water intake immediately after consuming food.
c. Aushadha Chikitsa or Drug Therapy:
‘Guggulu’ is the most effective drug in treating ‘Amavata’. Also herbal preparations of Ashwagandha, Haritaki, Rasna, Sunthi, Pippai and Trivrut are helpful in ‘Amavata’. Administration of caster oil is also very effective in this disease. The mentioned drugs should be taken only after consulting a Qualified Ayurvedic Physician.
d. Panchakarma Chikitsa or Detoxification Procedures:
This is a purification procedure. By taking this Therapy Toxins are eliminated from the body. The course is as follows:
1. Snehana:
Internal and external oleation to the body / affected parts is given as a preliminary process.
2. Swedana:
This is done by application of steam on the affected parts. It helps in reducing inflammatory conditions in the body. Especially in ‘Amavata’ fomentation with sand bag is recommended. Sankara Sweda is also very helpful. In chronic cases Shali shasthika pinda sweda is recommended.
3. Virechana Karma:
It is a type of Purgation which is induced by oral intake or herbal compound preparations. By the process of Virechana, the ‘Ama’ is eliminated from the body. Also the bowel is cleansed, which results in proper absorption and assimilation of the medicinal preparations properly.
4. Vasthi karma:
This is done by administration of herbal enema. It is helpful in chronic cases. Kashaya Vasthi, Anuvasana Vasthi and Matra Vasthi etc are planned according to the Patient’s requirement and necessity.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Amavata lasts for 14to28 days depending upon the severity of the disease, patient’s Constitution (Prakruthi). We at THE KERALA AYURVEDIC CARE, Speciality Panchakarma Centre, 3-6-101/1, St no: 19, Basheerbagh, Hyderabad-29 have Treated Thousands of Patients with 99% results. Speciality Treatments are being done from the past 9 Years. For the Services in the field of Ayurveda, Dr. Kranthi Vardhan, the Chief Physician & the Managing Director, has been awarded “KKRUSHI RATNA AWARD”, “AYURVEDA TAPASWI AWARD”, and “VAIDYA RATNA AWARD”.
Care of Joints in ‘Amavata’
1. Physical activities causing pain in the joints should be avoided.
2. Staying in one position for too long should be avoided.
3. Good posture of the Joints should be maintained.
4. One should sleep on a firm mattress or bed.
5. Weight should be controlled as excess of weight adds stress to the joints.
6. Exercise is very important to keep the joints in working condition.
Preventive aspects:
It is always better to take Preventive Measures before a disease affects us. In order to prevent ‘Amavata’ care should be taken to avoid Sedentary Habits. Also one should perform Daily Exercises or Yoga. One should also avoid Heavy, Viscous and Incompatible foods. Instead one should take High-fibre and Low Fat Diet. Care should also be taken to keep our Digestive Fire intact, as the case of all diseases is the weakening of digestive fire.
The aim of our life is attainment of Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. But it is possible only if we stay Healthy. So let us make a promise, to stay Healthy by following a Healthy Diet and Life Style as described in ‘Ayurveda’ – The Science & Art of Life.