The period during pregnancy is very promising and full of expectations for a woman, but dealing with blood sugar level problems can be of real concern for an expecting mother. Getting diagnosed with diabetes is a serious issue as any complication during this period can prove harmful for the mother and the baby. According to a survey, it has been found that in about 15 to 20 percent of cases, women develop a condition know as “Gestational Diabetes” in which blood sugar levels are too high.
Gestational diabetes condition occurs due to raised blood sugar, and is diagnosed during pregnancy when normal hormonal changes occurs which affect insulin sensitivity.
Health Risk For A Baby
Raised blood sugar levels during pregnancy can cause health complications, both for the baby and mother. Due to variation in glucose levels, circulation of blood in our body increases and the pancreas has a hard time to fulfill the increased demand for insulin, whose major role is to keep healthy blood sugar levels.
In such condition, the blood of the diabetic women is interchanged with that of her baby inside the womb. More concentration of unused sugar leads to fat deposit, which results in the baby growing larger than normal. Women who gain body mass in between pregnancies increase the risk of developing gestational diabetes during their second pregnancy.
Women have greater chances of suffering from this form of diabetes if they fall under the following conditions:
- Older than 35 when you are pregnant
- Encompass family history of diabetes
- Have constant high blood pressure
- Overweight before pregnancy
Attain Healthy Pregnancy Despite Raised Blood Sugar
As pregnancy continues, hormones are produced that block the effect of insulin and create a tendency toward raised blood sugar.
Though you may not acquire gestational diabetes, keeping your blood glucose range within healthy state i.e. between 90 and 130 mg/dl, is a sign of active health. Here are some tips that can prove extremely helpful in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels:
1. Avoid calorie rich food:
During pregnancy, blood becomes rich in sugar and our body requires large amount of insulin to utilize the excess amount of sugar and to release energy. Therefore, the food consumed during pregnancy must not be nutrient deficient. It is better to avoid the preservative or over-processed fruit juices which do not include natural sugar.
It’s better to take vegetable juices (without preservatives) as they highly support the general health state of pregnant diabetic woman and are low in sugar.
2. High nutritional fiber foods: Essential for normal blood sugar counts
A balanced diet must consist of foods that are rich in fiber for maintaining healthy lifespan. Fiber is a carbohydrate that our body system could not be able to digest. The main role of fiber is to provide energy to our body and to maintain our digestive system which in turn results in healthy blood sugar levels. A fiber rich diet comprises of vegetables, dried beans, cereals and other whole-grain foods.
3. Eat a low fat diet or low-glycemic diet
Evade fat-meats, butter, cream, full fat cheese and food items made with coconut, palm or palm kernel oil as insulin function becomes less proficient in a high-fat diet. You must concentrate on taking low fat diet such as fish, vegetable oils etc.
4. Self-control with regular monitoring
The best way to maintain healthy blood sugar levels is by monitoring your glucose at regular intervals during the day and keeping in touch with your dietitian persistently. Experts say, the only way to keep track that a pregnant diabetic woman is successful in controlling her blood glucose is by examining levels repeatedly (going for intended frequent checks ideally 5 times a day).
5. Practice moderate exercise
According to medical studies, women who exercise habitually are less likely to develop gestational diabetes as compared to women who lead sedentary lifestyle.
Do not forget to maintain regular set of exercise or physical activities. No hard or strenuous exercise is required, just a light work-out to avoid the onset of this condition can work wonders. Speak with your doctor for advice.
There is a good saying that – “Prevention is better than cure”. So, you must be cautious about your eating habits and lifestyle practices.
Strictly follow the instructions given to you by your dietitian to avoid improper glucose level problems. Work hard on certain dietary changes and lifestyle modifications, as this in turn will reward you with a healthy life and baby.