Fitness of Health
Fitness and health should become the way of life for everyone. Every woman should take the time in her life to maintain an exercise regime and a regular workout to facilitate fat burning. But, it is such an incredible challenge for busy women who care for thief families and run their own businesses to make this happen. Women over 40 also often have additional challenges presented due to hormonal changes. With stress, busy lifestyle and hormones is can be particularly difficult time to shed their fat, especially if you are not eating a healthy diet. There are numerous ways to burn fat, but all are not safe and many can actually be dangerous. For women above 40, burning of fat fast is essential. So how can you incorporate some exercise and training to help burning the fat fast and safely?
Fat burning Exercise
I guess it’s no big surprise for me to say that of the hundreds of ways to burn your fat, exercising is one of the most effective, safest ways. One of the most effective ways to burn fat fast is short bursts of intense exercise. Even if you are new to exercise, and it is not in your daily routine, you can make small changes that will have great effects on your body. If you need some inspiration and motivation, here’s a tip: by converting one pound of fat to muscle your body will burn up to an additional 50 calories a day at rest! So what does this mean? Well, in a nutshell, lean muscle requires energy (calories) just to be in existence. Therefore, when you are sitting at your desk, reading a book on the couch or even while you sleep, your lean muscle is using the energy(calories) in your body to maintain itself! Only one pound of lean muscle, starts the process. I’ve often referred to it as ROW (return on workout). That to me is motivation enough to invest in some fat burning exercises.
But, if you are still not raring to jump up and do a fat burning workout right now, here’s another motivational tip for you: The increased energy level, fat burning, calorie eating, effect of your workout will last for hours after you are finished exercising! Again pretty good ROW.
Proper Nutrition
To gain maximum fat burning, enhanced energy level, and improved quality of life, with exercise, you’ll have your best results when combining it with good nutrition. Protein is one of the vital food that help support fat burning workouts for women. It facilitates the muscles helps them to be repaired. It is very important to remember that starvation will lead your body preserve fat rather than burn it. Starving yourself will actually have the reverse effect on your metabolic system which assists in burning fat / energy. It also compels your body to use the muscle tissues as energy for continued existence. The recommended approach is a healthy diet and a balanced meal with adequate protein and healthy carbs and fat within one hour to ninety minutes after you finish your workout.
Hydration can hasten the fat burning process.It stands to reason as muscles are made up of 70% of water which carries nutrients to the muscles to keeps your metabolic rate stable. Not only that water hydrates your cells as well as augments the system of digestion by detoxifying your body. It is important to intake sufficient fluids. There are generally two schools of thought that you may want to look into. You may have heard of the first, which states the traditional: eight glasses, (8 oz. ea) of water per day. The other says to drink your body weight in ounces. I prefer the traditional, 8 – 8 oz glasses a day. Which ever you chose, taking in water has its infinite benefits which enhance the fat burning workout for women over 40.
Women over 40 have to deal with a lot. There’s the family life, rearing and grooming of children, taking care of home, which require a great deal of time, energy and love. Add to that career, business, busy life style, social responsibilities and the possibility of the start of different bodily changes. Hot flashes, mood swing, insomnia, etc, are some of the newer life challenges that women over 40 learn to deal with. One way to effectively reduce the stresses that these challenges create is to get adequate sleep each night. Sleeping for 6 – 8 hours will assist your body regaining energy needed for the day and it may boost your mood and positive attitude as well.