Lemons and weight loss are recently in the news all the time with success stories of how people have achieved rapid weight loss drinking various different lemon drinks. There are lots ways that you can achieve rapid weight loss, and so if you are looking to lose weight, then you should first do your homework. Using lemons for weight loss is just one of them.
Some people think that rapid weight loss is unhealthy because they think that it can’t be healthy to lose weight that fast, but you should know that there is nothing wrong with rapid weight loss, and using lemons to achieve weight loss is actually beneficial to your health as it cleanses your body at the same time.
A well known lemon diet which is used by a lot of celebrities is called the ‘Master Cleanse’. This diet using lemons to achieve rapid weight loss was actually invented several years ago and has been used successfully by thousands of people ever since.
Some people who undertake the lemon diet for rapid weight loss also take supplements, however taking pills and medications can be really dangerous. Vitamin supplements are fine and so are most herbal remedies for weight loss but while you are on the lemon diet for weight loss it is an all liquid diet, which means that you only drink liquids and do not eat anything. You cannot do this longer than ten days because if you keep going longer than that then you are likely to get seriously ill.
Weight loss of between five and fifteen pounds is what the average person who undertakes the lemon diet for rapid weight loss is expected to lose.One of the most important things to do before you start your lemon diet is to prepare and the best way to do this is to buy a ‘Master Cleanse Kit’ which gives you everything you need to start your rapid weight loss program.
Although cardio exercise is a great idea it is not recommended on the master cleanse due to the limited calorie intake. However you should also know that if you are using lemons as a method of rapid weight loss it is less likely that you will be able to keep the weight off for a substantial period of time, and so you are going to want to come up with a different plan for the long-term but having said that it is excellent if you want to kick start your diet or have a few pounds to lose before an important date!