Health Benefits and Nutritional Value Of Mushrooms

Before starting my article I will like to say a few words about health.

“Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.”
“He, who has health, has hope. And he, who has hope, has everything.”
“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.”

Mushroom is a healthy yet delicious edibles which contain nutrients which have several health benefits to our human body. The health nutritional value of mushroom includes containing high amount of vegetable proteins, fiber, amino acids, irons, vitamins and zinc.They are being low in calories as well.

Nutritional value of mushrooms are different among the different types of mushrooms, but one thing for sure, all mushroom are beneficial to the human body.

FromĀ  the olden times, Asians been consuming mushroom because of their abundant nutritional content. The nutrition and health benefits of mushrooms are promoting good vitality and energy

Recent medical studies have verified that mushroom are beneficial to the human body. These studies have show thatĀ  eating mushroom improves our immune system by providing the necessary enzymes that our immune system needs.

In this article, we shall discuss on a few types of mushrooms.

Health Value of Reishi Mushroom
In the ancient Japan, Reishi mushroom is a food that only the imperial family are allowed to consume. Reishi mushroom is also known as “Ling Chi” by the Chinese.

Medical studies in the past few decades have shown that by eating reishi mushrooms, several health benefits are noted. Such benefits are treatments of common illness and health conditions are improved.

All reishi mushroom did is to reset the body’s health elements back to original state, hence allowing all the vital body parts to regain back their original functions.

And recent medical studies have shown us that Reishi has a lot of health benefits and nutritional effects that are undiscovered previously: They are antioxidant, helps to reduce blood pressure and detoxify the liver.

Well-being benefits of Agaricus Mushroom
Agaricus mushroom is eaten worldwide. It is also known as a herb for its medical healing properties. Agaricus has another name which you will not have known. It is known as “God’s Mushroom” due to its curative health benefits to a wide range of health disorders.

People have consumed it to solve numerous health diseases and body functions disorders related to our immune system and the digestion system. Other agaricus mushroom well-being benefits include reducing weight, controlling diabetes and other acute medical allergies. Other health effects includes reducing stress and fatigue.

Health Nutrition Benefits of Cordyceps Mushroom
Eating cordyceps mushroom allows the human muscle to relax. This is extremely helpful for curing coughs, asthma, and other breathing related conditions as it smooth-en the muscles as during coughs or asthma, the muscles will tense up.

Cordyceps mushrooms improve our immune system’s abilities to ward off viral and bacteria infections. Lately, scientific studies have discovered that Cordyceps is highly effective for reducing high cholesterol, curing impotence, lung cancer, and even kidney failure.

Shiitake Mushrooms Nutrition
Shiitake is also called the “Elixir of Life”. The FDA of Japan has declared Shiitake mushroom as a anti-cancer nourishment. Shiitake mushrooms’ health nutrition includes containing a medical property called Lentinan. Lentinan is known to have some reduce on bowel, stomach, liver and lung benign tumor. It increases the creation of T lymphocyte which reduce the harmful effects of AIDS.

Shiitake mushroom is aplenty in several other anti-oxidants such as uric acid, vitamin A, C, D and E and selenium. Shiitake mushrooms is found to depreciate blood pressure for people diagnosed with hypertension.

To add on to the above nutritional health benefits, the rich value of the Shiitake mushroom is also known to bring down cholesterol levels and improve our libido. It increases the production of Interferon in our body which has anti viral effects and increase our defense against diseases. In some scientific studies, it has proven itself to be an effective counter to Hepatitis.

Health Benefits of Maitake Mushroom
Maitake is also known as the “Dancing Mushroom”. It is famous for its delicious taste and valuable health benefits after eating. In ancient Japan, the “King of Mushroom” is the Maitake Mushroom.

Since history, eating of Maitake mushrooms are known to reduce high blood pressure and ward off cancer. In the past decade, scientists have been doing experiments with Maitake mushroom to verify its legendary health benefits.

Laboratory studies have shown that the Maitake Mushroom;s extract can restrict the growth of tumors and greatly boost the immune system. In an experiment,almost all the cancerous mice, that have taken maitake mushroom, have their immune system improved.

For the past 3000 years, Maitake Mushrooms has already been consumed by the Chinese and Japanese. In history, the Maitake is traded as a currency in Japan. It is rumored that heavier the mushroom is, the more expensive it is.!