There are a lot of ways to reduce your appetite. Try drinking large amounts of water before a meal and on a regular basis. Avoid eating refined carbohydrates, and make sure you are eating tons of fiber.
The number one cause of last night hunger is actually dehydration. When you get up in the middle of the night half asleep looking for that late night snack, grab a 12 ounce glass of water. Make sure you do not drink any other liquids because the sugars will take longer to filter out of your body. Your body doesn’t tell you it’s thirsty unless you are dehydrated. This means if your body just needs water it will send a message to your brain stating you stomach needs something in it, when in actuality you just need something to drink.
Your body can also be telling you to eat when you do not need food because you are short on a certain nutrient. Your body needs this nutrient so badly that it keeps telling you to eat something until you find that substance your body needs. This is one of the more common reasons people feel hungry. A good way to stop this is to take a multivitamin so your body is getting a fill of all the vitamins and within 2 days you should stop feeling so hungry.
Carefully choosing what you eat when your craving is important as well. If you crave for eggs, meat, or peanut butter this usually means that you need to consume more protein. When you are craving fruits it means you are short on vitamins C and D. If you are craving something fatty this is totally normal, your body always wants fat. Ignore this craving and move on to a healthier choice! Eating something else will fill your stomach just as well. If you eat two cups of celery or two cups of cheese it fills your stomach just the same. For the first few minutes your body will not be able to tell the difference, but instead of loading you body up with unwanted calories you chose the celery and have a healthy alternative and it burns all the calories by simply digesting.
Caffeine is very addicting, so completely eliminating foods that have caffeine like soda, coffee, and chocolate can eliminate hunger. Your body will get used to this stimulant and constantly need and tell you you’re hungry when it’s just like a cigarette craving, you body does not need to eat.
There is a plant that actually suppresses hungry without you even eating anything. It is called Caralluma and is part of the cactus family. Studies have shown this appetite suppressing plant is a huge factor in weight loss. This plant has been used for thousands of years starting with the Indian tribes. They chewed this plant in their mouth when they had to go a whole day without eating while on hunts. There is an appetite suppressant made from this all natural plant called Caralluma Burn. It controls cravings and can help you loose weight.