Is there really such a thing as foods to lower blood pressure naturally? The answer is “absolutely yes”. You do not need drugs to reach the safe haven of 115/75. Below I will show you just 6 different ways out of many more that you can use food to help you get healthy again and radically reduce your risk of an early death from heart attack and stroke.
This amazing vegetable doesn’t just look like a heart but it also helps your blood pressure and therefore your overall cardiovascular health.
Artichokes are natural diuretics which means that they help to flush excess sodium out of your body. This means that your arterial walls can expand more easily and hence your blood pressure will drop.
Table Sugar
Table sugar, white sugar, refined sugar – whatever you want to call it. It has long been known to be bad – for example, it is implicated in the onset of type II diabetes and some even believe it is a major contributor to some cancers.
Unfortunately, it has also been linked to high blood pressure. Do yourself a favour and at least cut down on the amount of table sugar in your diet. Sugar does not exist in its natural form like this and the body was never meant to get so “high” from it.
Essential Fatty Acids
One of the main essential fatty acids is omega-3. It is an unsaturated fatty acid that is very important, nutritionally speaking. For example, it can protect against cancer and boost the immune system. It is also known to be good for the cardiovascular system and this includes helping to reduce blood pressure.
The best way to get it is to eat oily fish at least once or twice per week. Or you can get it from a supplement instead. If you are vegetarian then there are non-animal sources such as various types of seed.
Hawthorn Berries
These are another natural food that are thought to help lower blood pressure naturally.
Maitake Mushrooms
More than one study has shown that these specific types of mushroom can be effective for lowering b.p.
Sunflower Seeds
As stated earlier, many seeds have a wide range of health properties. Sunflower seeds can help b.p. in two ways: they are rich in both potassium and magnesium. Both of these are important minerals that are needed to give a beneficial mineral balance (against sodium for example).
Generally speaking, the more of these minerals you get, the easier your arterial walls will be able to expand and the lower your b.p. will be.
Reduce your risk of dying early from heart attack or stroke. Foods to lower blood pressure naturally is one way back to 115/75 but there are many, many more. Discover the exact, easy steps towards a normal blood pressure here: Lower Blood Pressure.