Eat All You Want Diet

There are two diets that I know of that fall into the category of an “eat all you want diet”.  One of them is called food combining.  Food combining is based on the theory of digestion.  Proteins need acid digestive juices to properly digest the proteins.  Carbohydrates need alkaline juices for their digestion.  If you eat a steak with a potato for example you can see the problem that arises.  The acid and alkaline neutralize each other out causing only partial digestion of both the protein and carbohydrate.  Thus, the rest is stored as fat. This is not proper digestion.

Also, food combining has to do with timing.  Certain foods digest more efficiently than others.  For example fruit digests in 20 minutes.  Proteins take longer. So if you eat only proteins at one meal you can eat as much as you want and lose weight because the protein is completely digested.  The same goes for a carbohydrate as long as it is not combined with a protein such as fat.  For example, pasta is fine with tomato sauce as long as there is no oil used.  Vegetables with protein digests right away as long as the vegetable is not a starchy one.  There is not limit to the amount of food you can eat on this diet, there is only a limit on the type of food you can eat.

There is a lot of health benefits involved with proper food combining.  Proper digestion avoids such health issues as constipation, heart burn, indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome.

Low carb diets are similar to food combining except for the lack of any carbs at all.  And once again, you can eat as much as you want of certain foods, mainly protein and vegetables.  This diet gives you less variety.

The truth of the matter is that eventually you’ll want to eat that steak and potato.  It might be better to have a diet that will give you variety and more chances to eat in a day.  The “eat all you want diet” is just not practical and it is not healthy.  Pigging out is not a good habit to have or to hang onto. 

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