Health food stores, drug stores, and supermarkets carry a wide variety of different natural food supplements. Health benefit claims made by manufacturers should be based on extensive research, development, and use in traditional healing. It is important to note, that some manufacturers make false promises of the properties of natural food supplements. This is unfortunate, because the only intentions of these businesses have is to abuse customers searching for relief to various health conditions.
Many conservative organizations then point to these few unsubstantiated products, and label the whole industry as unreliable. It doesnt count if the supplement has been used for centuries and certain health benefits are undeniable. Later on, the same products have been discovered by researchers deemed acceptable by these organizations, and at that point the products are widely medically endorsed. It is important to be an informed consumer.
Natural food supplements can be used to aid in digestive problems, add certain nutrients to diet, and to aid metabolic processes. They may have an active ingredient to aid in health problems. In this list are some natural food supplements, which have been recommended for use in dealing with various disorders.
-Acidophilus is one if the friendly bacteria which assists in protein digestion. In this process, enzymes, B vitamins, antibiotic and some other substances are processed. Acidophilus also has antifungal properties. It aids in digestion, enhances the absorption of nutrients, and helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels. 85% of the bacteria in a healthy colon should be lactobacilli, and 15% coliform. Unfortunately the typical colon bacteria count today is reverse. This can lead to bloating, gas, constipation, malabsorption of nutrients, and intestinal and systemic toxicity. Acidophilus also helps to combat Candida overgrowth. Supplements should be kept in refrigerate. – Aloe vera is known for its many healing properties. There are over 200 species of Aloe. It grows in dry regions around the world. It is used in many cosmetic and hair products. As a natural food supplement, aloe vera has been used to aid in healing of stomach disorders, ulcers, constipation, hemorrhoids, rectal itching, colitis, and all colon problems. It can also be helpful against infections.
-Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) is a by product of wood processing for papermaking. It is an oily liquid, looks like mineral oil, and has a garlicky odor. DMSO has remarkable healing properties applied to sprained ankles, pulled muscles, and dislocated joints virtually eliminating the pain. It also enhances immune system activity. DMSO is absorbed through the skin. It enters the bloodstream and is distributed through the circulatory system and finally excreted through the urine. It has been used in the treatment of brain and spinal cord damage, arthritis, Down syndrome, sciatica, sports injuries, musculoskeletal problems, headaches, herpes, and more.
-Essential fatty acids are necessary for health and can not be made by the body. Every living cell needs essential fatty acids. They are responsible for rebuilding and producing new cells. In order to supplement essential fatty acids they must be consumed in pure liquid or supplement form, and can not be heated. Heat destroys essential fatty acids. Essential fatty acids have many beneficial effects; improve skin and hair, reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, reduce the risk of blood clot formation, in treatment of Candidiasis, eczema, cardio vascular disease, and psoriasis.
-Fiber is found in many foods, but not necessarily consumed enough. When using fiber supplements it is beneficial to rotate among several different sources. There are 7 basic classifications of fiber; bran, cellulose, gum, hemicellulose, lignin, mucilages, and pectin. Each form has its own function. Supplemental fiber should always be taken separately from other supplements and medications. Fiber will keep the colon healthy by sweeping out the fecal matter. It helps to lower cholesterol levels, stabilize blood sugar levels, and prevent hemorrhoids, constipation, colon cancer, and many other disorders.
Here are just a few natural food supplements to aid in staying healthy. In addition there are many food supplements designed for specific circumstances in every shape and form. Natural food supplements potency is affected by the time they sit on the shelf and the temperature which they are kept. Be sure to ask questions and find information about the particular supplements before using.