Barley Grass an Ancient Nutritional Hero

Barley grass seems to be one of those grain staples most people don’t really give much though to. A pity, because barley grass is truly one of nature’s wonder foods!

Containing eight essential amino acids, recent studies have suggested barley grass can regulate blood sugar for up to 10 hours after ingestion. There’s also some evidence pointing to the conclusion that barley grass can help minimize LDL, (bad) cholesterol in certain people.

Barley grass it often is used in soups, creating a rich and hearty stock. It can also be used as a substitute for wheat flour and oatmeal. Barley grass is rich in beta carotene, folic acid, calcium and a number of other B vitamins. And to top it off, barley grass has also been used as a coffee substitute!

Beer, Whiskey, and Barley Grass

Nutrition is only one benefit derived from barley grass. Then there are the other pleasures of life. Every time you hoist a beer to one’s health – give a word of special thanks to the barley grass that helped make it possible. Barley grass is essential for the malt in the beer making process. (Interesting to note that 2 row barley grass is traditionally used in German and English beers. while 6 row barley grass went into beers brewed in the United States.)

And what would life be without a bit of the “water of life” – or better known as good scotch whiskey? Barley grass again is an essential ingredient in the distillation of this salubrious spirit.

Barley Grass in History

Pliny – the noted Roman historian wrote that barley grass was a special food of gladiators – who became known as hordearii or barley-eaters.

Even before that, the ancient Egyptians cultivated barley grass for bread (and beer!), and if we jump ahead a couple of millennia, the Prophet Muhammad recommended barley grass for 7 different diseases. In the 1700s, barley wine was a popular alcoholic drink in the new American colonies.

Barleygrass is widely used in traditional Arabic, Kurdish, Persian, and Turkish recipes, and it’s traditional to eat barley soup during the holy month of Ramadan. Used in soups and stews throughout Europe, it’s also a traditional staple in Africa, adding much needed nutrition to an often undernourished population. Please contact on 021 4967474 for more information about nutrition and healthy living suggestions.