Diet And Wellbeing: Fruits That Heal

BANANA: banana is a seedless fruit and consumed from very old times. It is available through the year and commonly sold. It’s a nutritious fruit that keeps body sustain with fiber making components, vitamins, and proteins. As compared to other fruits banana contains much calories. Its rapid soluble sugar is abundant that helps in regaining strength and overcomes stress. A banana with a one glass of milk performs as a complete meal. Its consumption keeps body parts active and reacts as an anti ageing source. Its utility preserves phosphorus, nitrogen and calcium in the body. It is very helpful for constipation eating banana in constipation makes large intestine absorb more water that recovers improper digestion. Secondly banana is very useful for reduction of joints pain and related diseases. One of the best tips is that for the joints problem the patient has to eat 8-9 bananas for 3-4 days and nothing else is allowed to eat. Those people who have allergy of few foods and their skin often remains reddish and itching should consume bananas generously. But at same time many people are allergic to bananas, those should avoid its usage. Kidney diseases are as well cured with bananas because it possess proteins and salt in lesser amount and carbohydrates in large amount. For kidney patients, it is recommended to consume bananas for 3-4 days and nothing else. Bananas are helpful for people who are overweight because it does not contain sodium. Skin burns and cuts are also healed with bananas. Apply banana paste on the burned or cut area and cover it with cloth relieves quickly. Bananas as serving fruit should be fully ripen. Bananas should not be refrigerated.

DATE: Date is a highly wholesome fruit and a rich compound of glucose and fructose. The sugar component of date is more soluble and much better then cane sugar. It is usually eaten with glass of milk, which gives extra strength and potency. It is also eaten with curd. Sahara people who belong to royal families consume dates filled with butter and its seeds removed. Its seeds are fried dry and crushed so as to make drink namely date coffee. A special form of juice is obtained from date tree that is formed in sweet potatoes. Its juice when turns sour is used in making liquor. Dates boiled in fresh milk should be given to old age and kids to make their body fresh, healthy and living. It regains stamina of body and minds gets functioning. Dates are well for constipation. For a quick relief here is a good tip, soak few dates in water for over night. Next morning form a shake of the dates and drink. A quick passage of stool will be occurring without pain. To bring a faint person on senses back, date works really great. Smash dates in drinking water or soak it in it and then make the faint person drink the water. Regain senses. Dates give power and life to heart. Those who are weak and heart beating occurs fast should have dates regularly.

FIG: fig is a fruit that contains water in abundance and other components like protein, carbohydrates and fat in very less amount. Dry fig is more nurturing. Sugar component covers up to 50-75% in fig. Fig is used in number of ways to benefit the body; it is simply eaten or used in other ingredients. If eaten with white flour, fig lessens the constipation option. It is used in making desserts like cake, pudding and jams. Physical and mental stress is cured by fig. Those people whose lips, tongue or mouth cuts should use fig generously. Asthma patients should seek frequent consumption of fig. Congestion and asthma gradually reduces with the use of fig regularly and heals the patient. Be careful in cleanliness of fig, it should be well washed before used. Outer layer of dry fig is thick and doesn’t easily dissolve. Instead soaked fig are easily digested. It is necessary to drink the water in which fig is soaked as water absorbs many of its important components that are soluble. Fig makes body powerful. Fig used with other dry fruits like almonds or dates along with butter will obviously build potency. Fig eases stool passage and reduces pain. It ends up bleeding from stool place as well. For this purpose fig should be used for 3-4 weeks.

ORANGE: orange is a compound fruit of vitamin A, B, C and calcium. It is the best source of calcium than any other fruit. Sodium, potassium, magnesium and sulphur are also present. Its vitamin C component helps human body fibers to consume calcium. Vitamin b complex is also found in small amount. Orange is a dissolved fruit as sunrays makes its minerals form in sugar that is easily absorbed in human blood, that’s why orange doesn’t take time to dissolve right after eaten. Its regular use reduces running nose, influenza and bleeding factors. Orange is essential and beneficial among al fruit juices and can be utilized of all people of any age. Orange juice best cure in illness. When human body saliva dries, a thick substance layer form at tongue and patients loses sense of thirst and hunger. In this case make patient drink orange juice generously. Typhoid and small pox patients should also use orange juice to recover loss of nutrition and important minerals. It makes urine passage frequent, cures infection and reduces the impurities of blood. Orange helps best in constipation; a good tip is to eat 1 or 2 oranges before bed and in morning repeat it. This changes the cycle of intestines and relieves constipation. Orange helps in joints and oral diseases. Besides this orange is super medicine for diseases like RICKET, heart diseases, congestion, and acne and pimples (use orange peel with water and crush it, apply on acne and defected area, rain water if used heals better).

APPLE: Apple is a fruit that stands for its numerous nutritious components. Apple has its components due to its soluble sugar which covers 9-51% in its sugar component contains 60% fruit sugar, glucose 25% and cane sugar is only 25%. Unripe apple may have little amount of starch. If apple eaten unripe, it should not be peeled as its peel itself posses vitamins more then its pulp. The vitamins level decreases with the inner side most side. An apple is so highly recommended that keep doctor away. Apple contains such minerals that are so good for mind, liver and intestines. It recovers the deficiency of blood with iron and phosphorus that are present in plenty. Apple is also helpful in constipation for regular stool passage have 2 apples a daily. Boiled and fried dry apple also work well. Apple regulates the improper functioning of liver. A simple tip for it is cut apple in to slices, be careful to avoid seeds and stem, instead don’t peel and put honey over it. Now mash the slices such a way that it turns into soft blend. Eat by chewing it a lot before swallowing. Apple cures headache, for this peel apple and eat the hardest side near center. Add a little salt and eat in morning first. Continue for a week and all old times headache will start healing.