Help Me Get Pregnant!

I have been researching the best ways to get pregnant for some time now and many people, including friends have said to me, “help me get pregnant.” So I thought that I would put together a few of the questions I was asked most frequently. Here they are:

Will eating certain foods help me get pregnant?

Eating healthy foods such as fruit, vegetables, protein and whole foods will help to get pregnant. Examine your life-style and ask yourself: Do you skip breakfast, do you eat on the go and do you eat enough fruit and vegetables? Do you eat sugary, highly refined foods? Watch how much caffeine you drink as drinking too much coffee has a strong link to reducing fertility and could increase the time it takes to get pregnant by 50%! Avoid alcohol and cigarettes too! In fact being a healthy weight for your height will really help to get pregnant. Don’t reach for the unrealistic height/weight charts you find in some magazines. Go to your family doctor instead and he will provide with you with this information as well as a healthy eating programme if you need one.

Will taking vitamin supplements help me get pregnant?

Yes, this will give your hormones a boost and hormones have to be in balance for you to get pregnant. Ask your pharmacist for advice and invest in the highest quality pre-natal vitamin and mineral supplements you can afford. Folic acid is particularly valuable as it is essential for healthy spine formation.

Will having sex a lot help me get pregnant?

Not necessarily. What will help to get pregnant is knowing when you ovulate. If you do not know this essential fact,any time you and your partner try it is “hit or miss”. Stop taking contraception for three months before you want to conceive and make a note of how long your cycle is. Ovulation usually occurs 14 days before the begginning of your next period. So if your cycle was 26 days you would ovulate on day 12. Your “fertile days” are 3 days either side of this day .ie day 9 and day 15 in this example. For conception, this would be the period to concentrate on. The more often your partner ejaculates, the fewer sperm are contained in his ejaculate. So abstaining from intercourse for a few days before your fertile period and trying no more than once a day will therefore help to get pregnant.

Will taking exercise help me get pregnant?

Exercise forms part of a healthy lifestyle and a healthy life-style is essential to help to get pregnant. You don’t always have to do a gruelling gymn work-out however. A brisk walk or gentle swim will have have the same effect and make you fell positive inside. One exercise you can do siting in a chair is the Kegal exercise. The action required to perform this exercise is the same as if you were trying to stop yourself urinating and results in the tightening of muscles around the vagina, anus and bladder. Do 20 Kegal exercies everyday, anywhere!
Peforming Kegal exercises during and after intercourse will create the same “vacuum effect “as an orgasm and will hasten the sperm towards their goal.

I hope that my answers to these “help me get pregnant” questions have answered any queries you might have. Relax, enjoy the experience of trying for your baby and watch that baby dust fall!