Poor Nutrition Equals Poor Health

Nearly 30% of Americans are now considered obese. This statistic is downright startling! Not only is this trend affecting adults, but it is setting a tone and creating an example for our children. Our busy work lives, money problems, stress and anxiety, combined with the ease and price of obtaining processed or fast foods, all lead to people becoming heavier and unhealthier. We lack time, knowledge and a desire more often than not, to plan ahead, prepare our foods or make good choices.

If that wasn’t enough, the amount of conflicting data and opinions that float around make it even more difficult for us to know what is true and what is false, what we should eat and what we shouldn’t. Each day, reports on new studies arise that debunk a previous study done on a food that was supposed to be a healthy choice. It’s nearly impossible for anyone to keep up with the latest scientific news, and as a result, we take the easy route, give up and turn to easy to prepare, but unhealthy meal choices or the ever popular, fast food.

It’s up to each and every one of us to look after our health. If you’re healthy, you have far more energy to spend with family and friends. You can pursue your interests, take a class, go skydiving, camping, hiking or join a sports team. Your life will be fuller, you will be setting a better example, and the time spent on learning about health and exercising, is paid back tenfold over the long term as you live longer and spend more time with your friends and family.

Possible Health Issues

As you age, weight issues become more and more of a problem. Child obesity rates are soaring, and an unhealthy child usually leads to an unhealthy adult. There are a myriad of health problems that you can fall prey to if you’re overweight. Below are just a few of them.

  • High blood pressure
  • Chances of suffering from a heart attack is increased
  • Chances of suffering a stroke is increased
  • You are more likely to suffer from arthritis, because your joints are forced to carry more weight than they should
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Heart disease
  • Breathing problems
  • Sleep apnea
  • Low self esteem and low energy levels
  • Increased chance of getting some types of cancers, such as breast or colon cancer

What Can I do about it?

As you can see from the list above, many of the health risks can be debilitating, and can put your life at serious risk. There are a number of things you can do to prevent this from happening to you.

Knowledge is power. Learning about the types of foods that are good for you is crucial if you want to lose weight. A nutrition coach is your best bet, since it’s their job to be aware of what foods are best, and how they affect your body and teach you what you need to know.

Meal planning and tracking are a great way to ensure proper weight management and progress. Your daily diet is the very first thing you should look at if you want to control weight issues. Included in your daily diet assessment is meal timing. Far too often, people believe that proper nutrition is solely the types of foods you eat. Unfortunately, it is not that simple, as there is far more that goes into it but, good nutrition coaching can make the process more manageable. Programs such as those offered by eFitness for Life do just this. We have one goal, help as many people as possible get in shape and learn about proper nutrition, including supplementation and vitamin and mineral intake.

The first step to weight management is recognizing the issue and seeking help. Many people feel embarrassed by their weight, and instead of asking for help, they continue down the same path, which inevitably leads to a lower quality of life, health problems and shorter life spans. By combining proper nutrition, healthy supplementation and exercise, you can control weight issues, lose fat and gain muscle. It is possible, and eFitness for Life would love the opportunity to help you. Together we can make a difference.

By now, everyone should know the importance of physical fitness and fitness training programs, but not very many of us recognize the true value of healthy meal plans as well. Irrelevant of the types of fitness training you use, be sure you have a balanced healthy diet to go with it.

For those that need a little extra assistance, direction or motivation, visit eFitness for Life now and see how our fitness training plans and weekly diet meal plans can help you make the most of your investment, in the shortest possible time, with the greatest return. Our goal is to teach you the values of physical fitness and how to create healthy meal plans for a lifetime! All done online! All done with certified coaches! Truly, the Future of Fitness! Stop by today and we will be happy to build your starter programs to ensure you learn to live longer, healthier lives.

Learn the benfit of physical fitness and a balanced healthy diet NOW! Get started and provide you and your family with a healthy lifestyle! Risk-Free Trial, take advantage today!