PKD And The Correct Diets For Kidney Disease

PKD or poly-cystic kidney disease is one of the most common forms of kidney disease. Although PKD is treatable at most levels, doctors have yet discovered any type of cure for it. There are several treatments to slow the progression and some very good natural treatments. The natural treatments consist of a kidney diet that helps the kidneys function with less work. Most kidney diets have proven to be helpful but there are still some that question the effectiveness of the diets.

The truth of the matter is kidney diets do in fact work. This has been proven time and time again. Certain kidney diets have proven to not only slow the progression of kidney problems, but in some cases have actually reversed the symptoms. The ultimate goal for most kidney disease patients is to avoid the need for dialysis and transplants. Starting and continuing a good low sodium and low protein diet can surely eliminate the need for any type of kidney surgery in most cases.

Millions of people are diagnosed with poly-cystic kidney disease every year. There are a few reasons why someone might inherit this disease. Although genetics, toxic drugs, and lack of exercise play an important roll, diet is probably the most dominate cause for kidney disease. The extremely high consumption of salt and protein is likely to be the main culprit.

The important part of starting a kidney diet is to start as quickly as possible. The faster you can treat the problem, the less damaged your kidneys will undergo. The people who are aware of the PKD gene and know they have it, should get on a kidney diet as soon as they can. Starting on the diet before any signs of the symptoms would be wise. If you have been diagnosed PKD it’s vital to get started quickly.

If you are already suffering from kidney problems, no matter which stage your in, get to a professional nutritionist as quickly as possible. They will be able to determine which diet is best for your stage of kidney disease.