Healthy Snack Ideas for Children and Teens

Kids love to snack! Especially after school, on rainy days, while watching TV and even when they are bored.

If they are going to snack then make sure you provide them with a selection of healthy snacks.

With little ones and grade school children it is easy to fill their little tummies with healthy snacks.

Older children and teenagers are a bit of a challenge to please. The fruits and veggie sticks just won’t do anymore. Their idea of a healthy snack is a slice of pizza loaded with toppings and a diet soda.

Yummy Snacks for the Little Ones

Bugs on a stick – While it may not sound very appetizing children gobble this snack up and ask for more! There very easy to make. You will need one stalk of washed celery cut into three pieces. Peanut butter – fill the little inside of the pieces of celery with peanut butter. Raisins – Stick four or five raisins (bugs) in the peanut butter.

Jiggly Jell-o Treat – For this snack you will need a box of Jell-o and metal cookie cutters. In a shallow square pan pour in the Jell-o (follow the instructions on the box the prepare it.) Set it in the refrigerator for about an hour or until it is firm and wiggly. Use your cookie cutters to cut out fun shapes, you can plop a little whipped cream on top if you want.

Frozen juice pops – This treat has been around for decades. You will need the Popsicle holders that are sold in almost every store during the spring and summer season. Fill the holders with 100% real fruit juice and freeze for a few hours. These make a great treat on a hot summer day.

Yogurt cover pretzel rods – These are easy to make and the kids love them. You will need a bag of pretzel rods, 8 ounce yogurt, you can use plain or flavored. Pour the yogurt in a shallow pan or on a plate and roll the pretzel rod in it. Place the yogurt covered pretzel rod on a freezer safe plate or in a container and freeze for about an hour.

“Acceptable” Snacks for Older Children and Teens

This age group is hard to please so the idea is to “hide” the healthiness of the snack. I understand that sounds a bit odd but it is simply done by not announcing the snack is healthy or sometimes implying that the snack is not healthy works just as well, a little reverse psychology you learn as a parent.

Smoothies – Are always a big hit with this age group. You will need fruit one or a couple of different kinds. Ice, plain or fruit flavored yogurt and a blender. Cut the fruit ( about a cup and a half worth) into small pieces put it in the blender, add 1 cup of ice, 1/4 cup of yogurt and blend.

Snack mixes – These are the best! You can put whatever you want in them. My favorite is made of popcorn, raisins, pretzel sticks, and assorted peanuts. Put all the chosen ingredients in to a large bowl with a lid and shake well to mix it all up. Then sit back and watch it all disappear!

Preparing healthy snack for children and teens does not have to be a difficult chore or a boring snack for them. Simply think of some healthy food items and see how well they work together. Before long you will be creating amazing, healthy fun snacks for your kids!