Fat Burning Furnace – Fat Burning Eating Tips

Feel like you’ve hit a plateau? Want some fat burning tips to kick your fat burning diet into over drive. Or just something to add to what you’ve already done? Well here are some tips that are sure to get you burning that fat right off your waist and you looking the best that you can be.

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1- Cardio before breakfast.

This is the perfect way to burn off the calories from the day before, or get rid of some extra calories and help reduce that body fat. The theory behind this is that since you’ve been on a fast for about six or eight hours and your body is empty of food and energy, if you use energy at this time it will dip into your energy stores (fat) and start burning that off for fuel. Word of advice though, have a small protein shake before you head out just to kick your metabolism into gear and get you burning that fat right off.

Fat Burning Furnace

2- Watch your carbohydrate intake.

While I’m not saying do something stupid like cut carbs out, or go on the atkins diet. What I am saying is just be careful of how many carbs you do consume, don’t consume them when you don’t need them. For example, breakfast is the perfect time that you should be consuming carbs due to the fact your body is empty and this is it stocking up on food for the day. Other good points are as a pre workout meal, and post workout meal to recover. Other meals you should have no more than 25-35g of carbs.

So these are just two killer tips you can add to your fat burning diet if you are struggling or find that you have reached a plateau. Adding simple tips like these to your diet will allow you to achieve your fat burning goals, and get you looking amazing in no time.

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