Get a Flat Stomach 3 Tips to a Flat Stomach

A flat stomach is the goal of most people in gyms, all over the world, but like anything worth having, a flat stomach is hard to achieve It’s hard in that your workouts have to be high intensity or should be anyway , and your nutritional plan must include healthy foods with at least 5 to 6 small meals a day.

In essence, you could say that it’s an easy path to a flat stomach. All you have to do is perform high intensity workouts, consume nutritious meals through out the day , and lastly perform interval based cardio training, and a flat stomach is yours.

We all know the difficulty comes from the discipline, desire, and determination to adhere to a lifestyle like the one described above. If it was easy the weight loss industry wouldn’t be a billion dollar indusrty with people looking for potions, pills, and the magic bullet.

Here are 3 tips to a Flat Stomach

1. Strength Training- I spoke earlier in the article about the magic bullet everyone is seeking. The magic bullet everyone should be looking for is strength training.The reason people tend to look past strength training is the hard work that’s involved with strength training. The person who adheres to a strength training program will be rewarded greatly.

Strength training adds muscle to your frame which not only tones your body, but more importantly muscle is metabolically active tissue. What does this mean? It means more calories burned which means more fat burned even when you sleep. If a flat stomach is your goal you must workout- Start today.

2. Balanced Meals- A balanced meal means including a lean form of protein, complex carbohydrate, and a healthy fat. Often time’s people leave protein out of their meal. In reality all macronutrients are important, but protein is the most important if a flat stomach is your goal. Not only does protein help build muscle tissue, and we know how important muscle tissue is, i.e. elevated metabolism, but protein is very costly to the body meaning, it takes calories(energy) to digest protein. Complex carbohydrates supply the body with energy to fuel your workouts and everyday tasks. Get your complex carbohydrates from vegetables and fruit

Healthy fats- Healthy fat provides 9 calories per gram as opposed to 4 calories a gram for protein and complex carbohydrates. Also healthy fat supports a healthy immune system,and actually helps your body burn the bad fat.

3. Consistency- Congratulations on initiating healthy habits. You’re now eating healthy and exercising. You now know to get a flat stomach, healthy eating,and exercise is essential. However, if you’re nutritional and exercise plan are inconsistent your results will suffer dramatically, which means a flat stomach just isn’t going to happen. Stay consistent with your program and a flat stomach will be yours.

Hope these three tips helped, but don’t wait there is no better time than the present to Get started. You will improve your health dramatically and flatten that stomach.