Mind And Body Should Be Healthy

Mind and body cannot be separated. Mind resides in the body. If body becomes diseased then mind also becomes diseased. If body is healthy but mind is not healthy then body has no use. This condition is seen only in case of unconsciousness, when body is alive and heart beat also continues. But it is useless. The body is like a dead body. Therefore, body is important only if mind is working. If body loses its existence, mind will also become inexistent.

Therefore our classics have rightly said that man is existing only because of mind, the reason is the relation of mind and salvation.  For instance, the lock opens and closes with the same key. Our learned people also say that both mind and body are one. Our body is the bigger form of our mind and our mind is the minute form of our body. Our body has different requirements; similarly our mind also has different requirements.  Our body also functions as per our mind. Our eyes see a particular thing but our mind is somewhere else, then it should be understood that the eyes are not able to see clearly. Similarly, we are hearing something but mind is not with it. So in one way, it has been unheard in spite of being heard.

  • Therefore, every work performed by a sensory organ should be accompanied with the mind; else the work of sensory organs remains incomplete. Now we will know about the body requirements. The body needs food, clothes and a house to live.
  • The body needs different things in order to keep it active and healthy. Wealth, education, abilities, occupation, business, farming etc. are required in order to keep the body active.
  • Our body requires not one but thousands of such requirements in order to keep it active and useful. In the same way, morning walk, Yog practice, proper eating habits are required in order to keep it healthy.

There are two important factors with respect to controlled eating habits, one is to eat less than requirement so that the food is easily digested and unwanted things like betel leaf, pan masala, cigarette, alcohol, arcanut, and other drugs are restricted. The fourth requirement of the body is positive thinking. This means, not to think bad about others, not to indulge in wrong actions and be cheerful in mind.

These actions, positive thinking and cheerfulness are related to mind but mind does not see. The thoughts in our mind are seen through the medium of body only. We can misuse our body also, for instance indulging in wrong activities like stealing, dacoity, begging etc. in
other words, use and misuse of anything depends on our mental tendency. Therefore, mind manages our actions. The bodily actions are dependent on mental tendencies. We have analyzed the methods to keep the body healthy but now we have to think about keeping the mind also healthy so that positive thoughts develop in the mind and negative thoughts are removed. Mind should be involved in reading good literature and religious texts. Habit of listening to good stories should be developed along with the habit of living in good company.

  • We are aware of physical diseases, for instance cold, fever, diarrhea, diabetes, blood pressure, cancer etc.
  • In the same way mental diseases are lust, anger, greed, attachment, jealousy, hatred love etc.
  • Physical diseases are cured in hospitals through allopathy, Ayurveda, homeopathy etc. But, mental diseases can be overcome with good company, reading good literature, fulfilling duties and responsibilities.
  • The principle of three monkeys of Gandhiji should be followed – do not see bad, do not listen bad, do not speak bad.

All these actions will keep away mental diseases. One more important thing to be remembered in this regard is that, the theologists, saints, great personalities, scientists, politician, businessmen, entrepreneurs, kings, poppers, poor, rich also have the same mind and body. But, there is lot of difference between two individuals that is unimaginable. On one side there is a king, on the other side there is a popper. On one side there is a sage and an ascetic and on the other side there is a lustful person. On one side there is a dutiful person and on the other side there is a lazy and inefficient person.

We have also seen that a person born in a king’s family can become a popper and vice versa.

Why does it happen?

The reason is that people have started believing in fate. They are not aware that one can change ones fate with good deeds. Fate is also the result of our
deeds. Fate is the result of that action which we did not get. The reason being that we are independent in doing our work but dependent on getting results. All the energies of the existence accumulate together and give results on the basis of our actions. It is the energies of the existence that decide as to when we will get the result of a particular work, how much, in which form.

Therefore, we are dependent on getting our results. It means, king and popper, rich and poor have got the same mind and body but the result of work will depend on the way the mind and body have been utilized. Good results will be obtained if good use has been made, bad results will be obtained if bad use has been made. When we do wrong deeds we spoil our own wealth and health. God has given us healthy and beautiful body, which we
turn into ugly and diseased body due to our deeds. Our body and mind become polluted due to unhealthy thoughts and bad company.

Leading Healthy Life

  • If we want to lead a healthy and happy life and attain spiritual progress then it is necessary to have proper knowledge of mental science.
  • Majority of the physical diseases are generated from mind. This should always be remembered.
  • A true ascetic might be living without food, house but he is always happy and strong. The reason is that he possesses internal strength.
  • On the other hand, a lustful person has lot of wealth, house and all the things of comfort. But he is sad and diseased. The reason is that he did not use his mind and body properly.
  • Our daily routine should be balanced. Excessive physical labor and mental stress should be avoided. Excess of anything is bad, it means the body should not be habituated to too much comforts or too much labor.
  • Our energy is lost due to worries. We feel sad about past, attached towards the present and afraid of future. We become worried due to the fear of future.
  • Fear is imaginative, for example, if the child does not come back from school on time, we start worrying about some mishappening.
  • When the child comes back, this worry is overcome but some other worry starts. Majority of the worries are imaginative.
  • The worries make the body hollow just like the wood that becomes hollow due to termite. Worries make us diseased; diseases like blood pressure and diabetes are due to worries. We have to change our worries into thinking.
  • Worry is also a mental disease but it becomes a physical disease. Therefore it should be avoided. Mind and body are related, hence any physical problem has impact on mind. Similarly any mental problem has an impact on body.
  • If we are sad, we do not feel hungry, we will feel weakness, body will become inactive, we lose concentration and dedication in work.
  • In the same way, if there is pain in any part of the body then we are unable to think and focus.
  • Therefore, a healthy person is one who has healthy body and mind. The mind should be free of negative thoughts and body should be free of diseases.

Psychologists believe that the reason for diseases is more of mental problems than physical problem. They believe that emotions like anger, hatred, lust, revenge lead to accumulation of poison in blood that result in different diseases. If there is any negative feeling in mind, like fear, sorrow then it has impact on cells through the nerves. The cells become weak and working capacity reduces. Very few people realize that feelings like hatred, jealousy, anger, impatience cause more harm to self than to others. The amount of energy spent in ten minutes of anger is more than the energy spent for ploughing in the field for two days. Premature graying of hair is seen due to insensitiveness, impatience and worry.

What is mind after all?

It is a secretive minute strength. It is the expression of internal strength. It is a group of lustful thoughts and imaginations. It gives birth to this world and destroys it. It is made of three qualities – piousness, passion and anger. When pious nature is dominant then we experience good health and peace of mind. When passion is dominant then we experience wavering mind, confusion and restlessness. When anger is dominant in our nature then we experience lethargy. It should be remembered that lethargy is the grave in which all the good qualities are buried. It is necessary to live in the company of good people in order to purify the mind. It is necessary to develop calmness, faith, truth, love, sympathy, courage, respect, happiness, self confidence within us. Only then we can attain happiness, peace of mind and harmony. Mind will also be completely health and a healthy mind will keep the body healthy.

Some Herbal Remedies for Mental problems and depression:-

  • Almond Oil for head massage for relieving stress
  • Package of herbal medicines for Epilepsy
  • Package of herbal medicines for Mental Retardation / Mongoloid Children