Fast Paced. Fast Food. Fast Lifestyle

Fast paced life may sound exciting and thrilling, but we have missed building relationship between lifestyle and wellness. Many people are now-a-days living a fast life. Specially, Y Generation is affected with such lifestyle in greater extent.

You skip meals, eat uncooked or rotten food, eat food hastily (rushing to the office) with irregular eating habits which result in anxiety, acidity, depression, diarrhea, Irritable Bowel Syndrome or peptic ulcer in the long run. You can’t take time to think, eat, enjoy, exercise and relax. You wish to achieve everything instantly. Food should be cooked at tweak’s time frame. Everything should be as quick as cooking those noodles. You say, “This is our lifestyle for millennia and nothing happened. Why now?” Wait.. you are degrading your health by eating unhealthy food in an unhealthy way. You said, “Really?” Yes, you are honey! aan – aan…

It’s time you switch to healthy, organic, fibrous and fermented food for a healthy gut. You can find your restaurant through Gobymobile after reading others reviews on the restaurant or even the meals. You can easily get an idea of what to eat and where. They even provide a similar service for buffets, venues, party plots etc. You will come to know what’s going inside your mouth even before having it. Now, that is called aware choice.

Just your choices and your habits can stir a difference in your life. Another thing which could be done is – Exercise. A 10 minute yoga dive into the world of meditation for uniting mind, body and soul can really be extremely beneficial. You can have a greater focus on your tasks, your health, even remove anxiety, lower the risks of several aftereffects related to your super nova speed of Lifestyle. Tring Tringg….So, it is a wakeup call for you to become more concerned and conscientious about our own health.

Theories abound that creating confusion about what practices should be ensured regarding nutrition and lifestyle can be trusted as the best course of action. Although, by engaging in simple, natural lifestyle habits, you can make a difference in the health you enjoy. The pace of eating food, the environment your surrounding all of these factors affects greatly for your digestion.Period. Now, resume eating in a relaxed way and enjoy your each and every bite.

Here are a list of food known for boosting your metabolism and digestion ideal for your ‘On the Go’ lifestyle:

  • Whole wheat meal

  • Sprouts and legumes

  • Carrots

  • Radish

  • Starchy tubers (yams, sweet potatoes, potatoes)

  • Turnip

  • Mango

  • Beets

  • Berries (strawberries, blueberries, black berries)

Let your life ease up with great lifestyle and suitable eating habits!