Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other nutrients to keep our bodies running in peak condition. The more you eat these foods, the less likely you will struggle with weight and aquire illnesses. Local and seasonal fruits an vegetables are the best, for several reasons, They are cheaper, they help the economy of your area and they taste better.
If you are struggling with weight and you need more energy, you probably need a change in your diet. The next time you drive past your local farmers market, make yourself stop and purchase these 9 fruits and vegetables guaranteed to get you on the road to better health.
Fit For Fall Fruits #1: Apples
Apples can help lower cholesterol, manage diabetes, and prevent diseases, including cancer, Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, and asthma. The peel alone contains an antioxidant that reduces heart disease. If you are not in the mood to eat an apple but you know you should, add slices to salads or baked dessert treats. Just leave the caramel dip at the grocery store. The saying is not An Apple A Day Covered In caramel Keep The Doctor Away, now is it?
Fit For Fall Fruits #2: Raspberries
Since raspberries are usually the priciest berries, now is the most economical time to enjoy them. Raspberries have antimicrobial properties, which can help prevent fungal and yeast infections and aid with irritable bowel syndrome. They also contain high levels of pectin and have 10 times as many antioxidants as tomatoes.
Fit For Fall Fruits #3: Grapes
Grapes are a great source of vitamins, folate, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc and fiber, and probably the best source of antioxidants you can find at the grocery store. The darker the grape, the higher the antioxidant levels. They can reduce blood clots and protect arteries from free radical damage. They make great additions to salads, or you can freeze them for a late night treat. Just try not to get loaded on wine and use the wonderful benefits of grapes as your excuse.
Fit For Fall Vegetables #4: Corn
Even though our society eats way too much corn, the fall is the time when we get the harvest of the tastiest sweet corn. In its unprocessed state, it is delicious and healthy. When cooked, an antioxidant found in sweet corn can fight heart disease and cancer. It’s also a good source of vitamins and fiber. Just like apples, they are a great addition to salads. The more butter you drown them in, though, the less healthy they become.
Fit For Fall Vegetables #5: Cucumbers
If we know they are good for us, why do we only eat cucumbers after they have been pickled, sliced and added to two all-beef patties and a sesame seed bun? By themselves, cucumbers are very low in calories, act as a natural diuretic, and fight to help prevent diseases. They also contain potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure. Try cucumbers thinly sliced and added to a low-fat yogurt. Yum!
Fit For Fall Fruits #6: Pears
The biggest, juiciest pears start showing up in farmers’ markets right about now. COntaining high levels of vitamins C and K, copper, and fiber, pears play an important part in digestive health and lowering cholesterol. They have also been shown to reduce kidney inflammation and colitis. Pears are great plain or poached.
Fit For Fall Vegetables #7: Peppers
Peppers are fiber-rich and have high levels of vitamins A, C, and K. Red peppers are also good sources of lycopene, which may be linked to cancer prevention. This is where it gets really good. Hot peppers contain capsaicin, which help prevent ulcers and lower cholesterol…and they can even help speed up your metabolism! The only other food that can do that is green tea!
Fit For Fall Vegetables #8: Tomatoes
Tomatoes have powerful antioxidants that prevent cancer and heart disease. They are also great sources of vitamin C. When cooked, tomatoes lose very little of their nutritional value, enjoy them stewed, in sauce, and even as ketchup! No color is less beneficial than another…yellows, greens, purples, browns, and reds. They can make a beautiful multicolored and antioxidant-rich salad.
Fit For Fall Vegetables #9: Eggplant
Nobody eats eggplants unless it is part of an Italian dish with parmesan, but they should! They contain lots of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and also high levels of antioxidants. Eggplants also contain terpenes, which help lower cholesterol. Baked, stewed, or sautéed, eggplant is very beneficial to your health. This is one food you do not want to fry in oil because it is very absorbative. Try replacing the pasta in your lasagna recipe with thinly sliced eggplant.
So there you have it. Nine foods we all know are benificial to our heath and weight control. So now what happens if you can not get to the farmers’ market, just can not stand eating fruits and vegetables, or do not have the time to prepare meals in order to get your recommended number of servings each day? I use a soy based protein shake and a few supplements. Does it work? Yes. I have kept 70 pounds off for over 16 years. The principals are the same. I just found a way to take the guesswork and price tags out of the equation.