8 Fitness and Nutrition Tips For Better Health This Spring

With the summer months quickly approaching, now is the time to start getting that bikini-ready body back for long sunny days by the pool or on the beach. While many people start a new fitness and nutrition regimen with the best intentions, it can still be hard to stick to sometimes. Here are 10 tips to help you achieve better health and a better body this spring. 


1. Start Small – It is important, especially if you have not exercised in a while or are not used to exercising regularly, to start small and manage your expectations for your exercise. This is crucial for the first few weeks, so that you do not over do it and are unable to continue working out due to the soreness.

2. Using the Right Gear – By no means should you have to spend a fortune to purchase a whole new workout wardrobe, however, you should have comfortable and supportive shoes, and loose, flexible clothing at a minimum, and any safety gear like a helmet if you plan to cycle for exercise.

3. Find a Partner – One thing that will help you stick to your workout routine more than any other is to simply find a partner who will go with you. Making your workout social will make it more fun, and will hold you accountable to coming to the gym every day.

4. Get the Right Schedule – Many people prefer to exercise first thing in the morning, claiming that it boosts their energy all day long, and negates any chance that anything can prevent you from getting your daily exercise later in the day. However, if this plan does not work for you, then find a schedule that does.


1. Plan In Advance – One of the hardest parts about staying healthy is consistently eating right. The key to doing this is planning your menu out far in advance, allowing time to visit the grocery store to stock up on menue items and nutritious snacks. Many families plan out their week’s meals and get all of the necessary ingredients on Sunday so they are ready for the week ahead.

2. Be Thoughtful About Your Meals – Another key to eating healthy is to be conscientious in your food choices for each meal. Every meal you eat should contain a balance of vegetables, protein, and carbohydrates like beans and whole grain breads and pasta.

3. Give Up Soda & Alcohol – If you regularly drink sodas or beer, you might be amazed how much your weight drops and your health improves when you give up your beverage of choice. Both of these beverages have a lot of carbs in the form of sugar, and can add pounds and put you at risk of inflammation and disease.

4. Make Each Plate Colorful – When you plan your meals and visit the grocery store, one tip that can help keep you healthy is to make each plate as colorful as possible. This means including the bright greens of leafy vegetables, yellows and oranges from squash, peppers, and fruits, reds from tomatoes and berries, and pops of blue and black berries.