14 Foods That Speed Up Your Metabolism

If you are looking for a list of foods that will help you to speed up your metabolism and make you burn more fat, you have come to the right place. While the foods below are all healthy in their own right, it is wise not to skip any food groups so that you have a well balanced eating plan. So let us take a look at 14 foods that will get you off to a healthy start on your weight loss plan.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

This is an excellent diuretic that you can use it as salad dressing. Apples being one of the ingredients contains malic acid which has fat burning properties. The fermentation process causes this vinegar to have to have constructive acids which combine with alkaline elements and minerals in your body. What this does is produce a cell scrubbing effect. It also has high levels of potassium which contains an antiseptic quality, which will help to eliminate your fat deposits.

2. Asparagus

A chemical called asparagine contained in asparagus is an alkaloid that stimulates your kidneys, resulting in a better circulatory process. Alkaloids directly promotes the breaking down of fat by your cells. It also helps to remove waste from your body by breaking up oxalic acid, this acid tends to bond to fat cells. By breaking this acid up, it will help to reduce your fat levels.

3. Beets

Beets have effects focused on your liver and kidneys. Being a strong diuretic beets flush out your floating body fats. They contain a type of iron that cleanses the corpuscles. Corpuscles are blood cells with fat deposits. There is also a small chlorine content that helps to flush out fatty deposits, in addition it also stimulates the lymph which clears out the fat deposits.

4. Brussel Sprouts

Brussel sprouts stimulates your glands, especially your pancreas. Your pancreas will then release more hormones that has a cleansing effect on your cells. They also contain minerals that stimulate your kidneys so that waste is released faster which in turn helps to clean out your cells.

5. Cabbage

The sulphur and iodine in cabbage will help to cleanse your body of waste matter, specifically the mucous membrane of your stomach and intestines. Cabbage is great if you want to lose your belly fat, it will help to break up the fat in that area.

6. Carrots

Carotene in carrots is a form of Vitamin A, which starts a fat flushing reaction in your body. This reaction speeds up the process which your body washes out fat and waste. The transformation of carotene into vitamin A in your intestines will create a boost in your metabolism in addition to causing a reaction whereby your cells remove fat deposits.

7. Celery

The high concentration of calcium in raw celery is in a form ready for use by your body. Because of this the calcium will be sent directly to work. This pure form of calcium ignites your endocrine system which helps to break up the accumulated fat build up. Celery also has a high megnesium and iron content which will help clean out your system.

8. Cucumber

The high content of sulphur and silcon in cucumber works to stimulate your kidneys in washing out uric acid, which is a waste product. With the removal of uric acid, fat removal is stimulated by the loosening of the fat from cells.

9. Garlic

Garlic in addition to being a natural diuretic also contains mustard oils. These oils promotes a cleansing action in your body, which stimulate vigorous peristalsis (muscular contraction), this in turn loosen fat and help to wash out those fats. They also help in the breakdown of clumps of fat.

10. Horseradish

Horseradish which is very popular in Japanese dishes has great fat dissolving properties, and is also a great cleansing agent for your body.

11. Lettuce

The iron and magnesium in lettuce which enters your spleen helps your body boost its immunity and protects your from getting ill. Your spleen strengthens these minerals and send them to your cells and tissues. This will help your liver, increase your metabolism, as well as wash out fatty cells. The darker the lettuces, the more the mineral contents.

12. Onions

Having similar properties with garlic, onions have minerals and oils that help to breakdown fat deposits and speed up metabolism as well. Onions are more powerful and have a milder smell than garlic, it makes sense to add onions to your daily diet.

13. Radishes

The high content of iron and magnesium in radishes helps to scrub the mucous membrane of your body, as well as help to dissolve fat in your cells.

14. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are high in vitamin C as well as citricmalic-oxalic acids. In addition to accelerating the metabolic process, it also helps your kidneys to release more water to help wash away fats. The natural acids with the enzyme activated minerals prompt the kidneys to filter out large quantities of fatty deposits which is then eliminated from your system. So add tomatoes to your daily diet and have your metabolism thank you for it.